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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
Savior watched as Melody walked over to the wall and he noticed the guilt in her eyes. He walked over to her, and sat in front of her, keeping a small distance as not to scare her. "They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, Miss. When I look at your eyes, I see pity. But I also see guilt...You know something I don't, don't you?" he asked. "Please, if you do, tell me. I want to get out of here and so do you. I want to save my friends, before they die, and I'm sure if we can get out of here, I can help you in any way you want. Please, help me. I'm not asking for you to point the way out, just give me something I can use. Anything..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Melody tried to back away weakly when he sat down in front of her, but stopped when he spoke. She listened to him, but did not speak, not once. She looked down at the ground at the end of it all and nodded her head. She then moaned softly and pulled something out of her ass, it was a strange cylinder with a red top. Savior would know what it was, a teleportal, one simply had to open the top to teleport themselves to a preset destination. Villains had used them to escape him before, it appeared that she had hidden the only way she could. But why had she not used it? The answer was simple, she was not strong enough to open the top with her hands tied behind her back. She did her best to hand it to him, giving her only means of escape to him. the Portal would only take one person, so he would have to leave her behind...but even then he did not know where it would take him. Regardless, it was probably better than here, and he had to use it quickly before Dark Spell returned.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Thank you," he whispered, as he realized what she had. He gently hugged her, if she allowed him to, and he added. "I will save you. I promise," Savior swore, before opening the top of the teleporter and being whisked away, naked and maskless.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
She whimpered as he tried to hug her and attempted to get away. She was too fearful of him, in fact, it was possible the only reason she gave him the teleporter was to avoid more contact with him...Still, she had sacrificed her own freedom for his and would probably be punished severely for it.

Savior was teleported to a canal just outside the city. In the canal he would find some wet and dirty clothing he could use if he wanted to wait and dry it. He needed to get back to his base, he had been gone for at least a day if not more. Time was strange within the walls of Dark Spell's dungeon, and Shad'Ja still needed blood to drink. Chances were that she was either near death and starving or she had broken out and had drained one or more of the girls in her hunger.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior grabbed the driest clothes he could find before running off, going as fast as his two legs could get him. He would slide or jump over cars, slip by or sometimes even push people out of his way. He ran into a secret entrance of his base, placing his hand against a series of bricks in an alleyway. A portion of the wall opened up, revealing a tunnel to his base. He slipped through it and it silently closed behind him.

He would soon reach his lair, and would first check if Shad'ja's door was broken down. If it wasn't, he worked fast to get as big of a dose of blood as he could give and would deliver it to her, hoping she would be calm enough not to attack him. "Its me, Savior! Please, take this!" he begged, giving her the cup of blood.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Unfortunately, Savior would walk in to find the door torn from the wall. Shad'Ja was free, and roaming his base. She could possibly have escaped into the streets...or found one of the girls. If he went off to check on Dark Flower, he would find her walking around inside her prison, looking annoyed as she looked for something to eat and some way to clean herself. Skull also seemed safe, the door to her room being undamaged and locked, which left only one more place. Kitty should still be in bed where he left her, or at least in the same room, and she was. But the door to the room was also torn open, and when he entered he would find Shad'Ja already crouching over Kitty on the bed, her fangs in the poor girls neck as Kitty whimpered and squirmed weakly. Kitty's head was rolled back to allow maximum room for Shad'Ja's bite, which meant Kitty was staring at the door when Savior entered. She was very pale and blue lipped, but still gasping for breath. Shad'Ja did not notice and continued to feed on her, slowly killing the petty criminal.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael checked all around the base before finding Shad'ja and Kitty. He gasped at the sight, but as soon as he saw Kitty he knew what to do. With the bottle of his blood in his pocket, he jumped forward and grabbed a chair that had been been knocked down earlier ."Get away from her!" he yelled, and if she did not react to his scream, he would use the metal chair to hit her, and then used it to keep her back, fighting her off with it.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Shad'Ja looked up at as she was yelled at and hissed, dropping Kitty and jumping at Savior, clawing at him and trying to get at his neck. Kitty looked very pale and was, at best, in critical condition. Shad'Ja had to be subdued soon, or he could risk losing Kitty.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior jumped back as Shad'Ja attacked him. He used his athletic body to dodge her as best he could, before taking out the blood he had gotten. "Look!" he yelled, holding up the large syringe of blood. If Shad'ja tried to grab it, he would open it and let her have the bottle, but if she just kept attacking him he would make a run to his armory, putting the blood back in his pocket. "Emergency Open! Code 7846!" he would yelled, causing the door to open. If he got to it in time he would put a gas mask on and grab two knock out gas grenades.

If he was lucky enough to not get caught, he would put the mask on and throw the gas grenades, hoping they'd be enough to knock out the Vampress so he could get her to drink the blood.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Shad'Ja would go right for the blood, grabbing it and jumping away, drinking every last drop of it. Kitty needed help now! She was so low on blood that nothing but a transfusion would keep her alive. But where could he get more blood?! It was clear from his situation that he did not keep extra blood for emergencies, and so he needed another way to keep her alive.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)