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War of the worlds(digimon vs superhumans)
Neutral - *staring at the lights* :shock: Oh no...
Sabre - *eyes widen* That coward... Neutral.
Neutral - What?
Sabre - ... you know exactly what.
Neutral - But...
Sabre - Just do it, or we're all dead!
Neutral - O-... OK... *frowns* I hate this... it's painful...

OOC: RAWR! lol
I Wrote:Name - Neeganmon (from DemiNeeganmon)
Type - Gunslinger/Spellcaster/Demon - Virus
Level - Infinity
Attacks - Demon Aim
Abilities - Magic
Description - Here


Neutral - *now as Neeganmon, visibly shudders and cringes* I hate this...
OOC:He looks awesome.And what happened to Gene?

Tiamat:Impressive.Negla,beam Necromon and me to the surface.
Negla:Yes sir.*beams the two down*
Tiamat:I have to say,very impressive.Good to know it's not as easy to kill you all as that.
OOC: Gene is... busy. :P You'll find out soon.


Neutral - ... -.- I still hate it...
Sabre - *holds onto Shiwen protectively*
Tiamat:Necromon,I know you're stronger then that.Show your strength,or I'll force you to.
Neutral - ... fine. *stands up straighter* But you will regret it.
Sabre - The rest of us better go... *looking at Neutral worriedly* He cannot control himself once he get's started.
Neutral - A fight is what you want... You can have it... *flames starts billowing around him* Any last wishes...?

Necromon - :shock: I can't fight an INFINITY level! *starts running*
Tiamat:*appears by Sabre*Don't go.Enjoy the fight.
Sabre - *snarls* I'm not crazy enough to. *teleports himself and Shiwen away*

Neutral - *pounts a hand to Necromon, palm outwards* TRANCENDANCE!!!
Necromon - Argh! *dives to the side*
Neutral - *vaporises everything in front of him with a MASIV release of dark energy*
Necromon - *had managed to get out of the way* :shock: ... help...
Tiamat:*appears behind Neutral and thrusts a claw into his stomache*Necromon,you're worthless.
Necromon - *slumps* -.-

Neutral - *bends back* ... that hurt... *turns head a full 180 degrees to look at Tiamat* But I cannot be killed by such pathetic beings as yourself. *laughs evilly*
Menill:*sweatdrop* trust sabre to forget me*grumbles and lies ounderneath the Humvee*
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
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