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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
"This is not my doing, Cassandra," Axel stated. He then looked at where the call came from and glared at what he believed were the intruders. "Who are you? Bandits? We will offer no fight."

Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Not bandits." Said another, clearly female voice. "Highwaymen...or rather, people." Five archers all garbed in green robes dropped to the ground. All of them had their bows leveled off at them and all had their faces hidden behind long green scarfs. All but one, who approached them. it was a woman with short, black hair and a lithe body. She had slightly pointed ears, clearly a half elf. and cc cup breasts. Though she stood just over 5 feet tall, she had a commanding aura that made up for her lack in stature. "So you are Hunters main spell flinger hu?" The woman said. She pointed at Cassandra and said. "Step away from him Angelo, we have no quarril with you." Cassandra quickly obeyed, not bothering to correct her. She hoped Axle would not be angry with her, she was just trying to survive this after all. "You." she said, pointing to Axle. "You are our new prisoner." she smiled wickedly. "Congratualtions."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Am I know?" Axel smiled. "Tell me, how exactly are you planning to take me prisoner. I am, after all, Hunter's main spell flinger," he chuckled. "Do you believe capturing me to be easy?" he asked. H then looked at her chest and smiled. "Nice tits by the way. You'll make a good slut."


"You're very good," Mai smiled. "Mistress loves you, and promises you'll get better," she whispered, kissing Elva's forehead.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The bandit leader smirked. "You think? Just try it. Incase you have not noticed, we outnumber you twenty or more to one, and we have mithril tipped arrows. We can slice through any spell you try to conjor before you say Abra kadabra. You will end up a pin chushon on the first syllibol" She was right, they did outnumber him and their anti magic arrows would hit him almost regaurdless of any protective spells he had. Sure the first five or six arrows would just bounce away helplessly, but the next fifteen, if there were not more, would pin him up on the nearest tree. He could try to teleport, but doing so would mean leaving Cassandra alone with them and allowing her escape. She was already several feet from him trying to cover her nakedness with her hands, there was no way to get to her before he was five percent Axle and 95 percent arrow. "So...Im thinking surrender is your best option here budy." The bandit leader said, her confedent smile dominating her face. She had him in a pinch alright.


After a long time, and a visit from a medecine woman that Silvia had managed to find, Elva stablized. They were told that she was to be attended at all times, as any lack of drinking water or change in temprature could activate the lotion again before it manged to work its way out of hert system. Also, the medicine woman had warned that she was likely changed sexually by the lotion, possibly forever and would need sexual attention when ever her body asked for it. She was now prone to bouts of hornyness that could be fatal if not attended, and the poor girl was far to weak to masterbate. What happened next was for Mai to decide, with the poor unconsious cat girl on the bed, and Silvia nearby with some water. "Lets get rid of her mistress." Silvia said finally. "She is to much trouble." At this Elva seemed to sense that her life was in peral and whimpered softly in her sleep, her tears had not stopped running since the lotion had started its attack, and still streamed lightly from her eyes.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"....I give up then," Axel said. "I suppose, I have lost this round. Disappointing," Axel sighed, and looked at Cassandra. "And what of my wife?" he asked, lying just wanting to see the ex Queen's reaction.


"No...No, not yet. She is worth the trouble for now," Mai said, and pet Elva's head. "She is still my slut, and so are you Silvia. You are both mine, and I still want you both. She is not going anywhere....Understand?" she asked.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Silvia nodded grudgingly and placed the water down. "Well, unless you want me to watch the brat, then Im going to bed. Its been a long night." She said going to her cot. Elva nuzzled Mai's hand, her eyes opened just a crack. "Th-Thank you mistress. I love you." She said quietly, to weak to speak loudly. She sniffed and licked her hand, wanting to be close to the one person who showed her any affection at all. The poor cat girl was starved of love and would take any, any at all.


"then put this on." The leader said, tossing a very recognizable anti magic slave collar at his feet. These bandits knew thier stuff apperantly. As for Cassandra, she did not seem overly shocked by the new title. the only surprise was that she would be graced by it at all, but other then a second or two of wide eyes, the queen accepted it and went back to watching out for her own life. She was his sex slave and had been treated horribly, being called a wife was next to nothing comapred to that.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Mai nodded and kissed Elva's lips. "Now rest my dear. I'll be right here when you wake up," Mai said.


Axel nodded and put the collar on, around his neck. He then looked at the leader. "You did not answer my question. What of my wife?" he repeated.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"D-Dont go!" the cat girl begged, holding Mai's hand in a desprate, yet very very weak grip. "Please..." Suddenly Elva shifted and moaned. "Oh...mistress...I feel it again." Her pussy became damp and her nipples errected, and yet she could not masterbate, and so her sudden bout of hornyness only got worse. She would need Mai to relieve it or she would suffer for several hours before dying of exaughstion.


"What about her? Well...I suppose we cant have her run back and tell every one we have her...not yet at least. Kill her." Suddenly, half the archers pointed their bows at her and let loose several arrows. Luckely they were not shooting at a petty angelo and Cassandra was able to avoid them all in a graceful spinning manuver. The archers were reloading, when the leader stopped them with an outstretched hand. "Wait....I dont believe my eyes! Its the Queen of the Brits! Wow, they fuck anything and any one in this kingdom dont they? Well...take her! We can sell her back to her people." Cassandra said nothing and did not resist as they put her chains and did the same to hunter, and soon they were both on a horse, chained to each other, riding behind the bandits to parts unkown. Cassandra was sill naked and her hands were shackled behind her back as she road in front. Alex's hands were freer and, if he wanted, he could have a bit of fun with the captive queen as they road. She moaned and grunted as her pussy grinnded on the horses saddle, her breasts bouncing as they went.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Mai nodded and moved Elva's blanket, taking pity on this poor creature. She then kissed her clit softly, followed by a lick and another kiss. She licked the smaller girl's pussy and her hands moved to massage her cute breasts, rubbing them.


"Are you getting turned on from riding a horse?" Axel whispered, moving his hands to grab her breasts and massaged them. "Looking at these two is hypnotizing, really," he said, before, pulling Cassandra back a bit and forced his tounge into her mouth, as his hands played with her large tits.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Elva moaned cutely and shifted as much as here weak form would allow. " you mistress." She moaned with affection, purring a little as she was stimulated. She really needed it, but it would take more then a few licks and kisses to cure her of her afflection.


Cassandra closed her eyes tightly and did not resist, allowing his tongue to play in her mouth. Her large, firm breasts quickly flushed with blood and her nipples hardened as he played with them and she moaned softly into the kiss. As her bare pussy moved up and down on the smooth saddle, her love juices served to further lubricate her, making her sway more, being held only by her chains and Alex's embrace. She let out a few more sweet moans, her soft skin completely open to touch by any one. She managed to get out of the kiss long enough to ask "Wh-Why here? Why now?" She was blushing adorably, clearly emarassed as several of the riders stared at her and Axle.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)