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Marrying the Enemy (for shadowknight)
Casey continue to sleep on as Katt felt him up. He started to stir some yet he never woke. "," he uttered slowly still sleeping soundly as he laid there. The one thing his family did tell him that he did talk in his sleep yet what they didn't tell him was the fact he always told the truth when he talked in his sleep and that you could have full conversations with him even.

The driver sighed some as he could smell a female arousal and chuckles some yet he couldn't let them be mating in the back. He rolls down the window a tad incase they were indecent in the back, "hey you two no sex I don't want to clean this when I get to the estate," he said.

Casey continue to lay there as he opened his mouth, "O....kay...," he trailed off. As the driver closed the window fully. the young boy didn't move or twitched as he snored briefly.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt froze suddenly as she felt Casey moving, gulping when she heard him talk. She paused for a bit, wondering if he had woken. She sighed in relief as his breathing remained even, letting her know she hadn't awoken him, Phew, that would've been embarrasing to explain. she thought.

She blushed furiously when the window rolled down a bit, even more so when the driver called back to them, Ugh, damn were, should've figured he'd be more keen to my arousal. she growled softly. She stopped as she noticed something, Casey answering him, "Casey?" She asked, a bit louder than her whisper before, "Can you hear me dear?" she asked curiously.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey didn't say anything while he laid there and when Katt spoke up the second time he stirred ever so lightly. "," he mumbled in his sleep slowly yet steadily. Soon the limo went off the main road to a gravel side road. When they hit a dip in the road Casey fell from the seat into the floor board. He quickly woke up as he hit, "Ugh....," he groaned as he rolled over and sat up. He could easily feel every bump.

"Um if I remember correctly we should be there soon," he said only being out this way three times in his life. He scratched the back of his head and stretched as he caught whiff of her musk and murred softly from it. He wondered where he smelled it before and shrugged. "Um when did you put on perfume?" he asked as he turned his face looked over at her body and then face. Out of the corner of his eye he saw dark spot around her crotch from the low lights of the limo. Casey blushed deeply as he looked away realizing what the scent was. "Um uh.... So did you sleep well as well?" he asked nervously as he turned beat red and the vehicle stopped.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt turned her own head as well, placing her paws in her lap to cover her arousal, "I didn't really take a nap," she said quickly, "I, just enjoyed the sights and sounds." she smiled, technically it wasn't a lie, "Anyone ever tell you you talk in your sleep." she laughed softly.

She turned to glance out the window as the limo came to a stop, "Oh, wow," She said, surprised by the large house that they had stopped infront of, "Please tell me this isn't just a stop along the way. This place is amazing." she said, unable to hide her approval, "Great, now I have to worry about getting lost on top of everything else." she laughed a bit as she patted Casey on the shoulder, "Come on, if memory serves your supposed to carry me over the threshold." she teased.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I see... I hoped you liked... the view," he stuttered realizing what she was looking at while he slept. "I yeah I did everyone in fiends it funny," he explained he never questioned them why. Because his cousin was the same way yet he would say weird things and one couldn't have a coherent conversation with him. "Yeah it pretty big place and beautiful," he added.

When the Driver opened the door he chuckles at the two, "If your going to make out at least don't do it in the back seat of a limo. There are better places for that sort of thing like one of the master bed room," he werelion said with a chuckle. "I will bring the bags up tomorrow, since you both have some clothes already in the bedroom," he added with a grin.

Casey listened and gave their driver and sitter a confused look. After a second he connected the dots once more, "Okay...," he said. He looked back and gave Katt a hurt look like she since she got the driver to think they were making out. He walked up to the steps ahead of the other two as the two large oak doors opened up.

There were four females, one of the youngest looking female sprinted out smelling of musk of her heat and sweat. when she ran past Casey he a good whiff of her scent and shook his head since it was similar enough to Katts to make him realize she was aroused at least. them the werelioness pounced her mate knocking him over as she proceeded to grind herself against him. The rest of sisters of the pride chuckles some knowing she was in heat.

Casey just glared some then looked at with an almost contempt like look on his face. it just reinforced the fact that his wife actually lied about the fact she wasn't a virgin and the fact she must have been fondling him while in the limo after he fell asleep. He wondered he went into the living room. It was massive with four giant plasma screen tv's hooked up together to make one giant screen. There were several sofa's for people to lounge on and few recliners. He smiled some the place wasn't that much different than last time he was here.

He then proceeded up the stairs that lead to the sleeping quarters. He went to the right He walked all the way down the elaborate hallway. He walked into his Fathers old bed room was was reserved for head of the family or for honeymooners like him and his wife. He was going to let her have the massive and luxurious bedroom. The carpet was dark wine red, with fine large ornate fire place for when the estate got chilly, it had long sense been converted to a simple gas fire place that didn't emit any carbon monoxide. in the center of the bedroom there was a large four poster bed the oak pillars that held the bed together so massive that to people could just barely get their arm around each one.

Casey smiled warmly at the fond memories he had when his mother, and father were still alive. yet even those memories couldn't shake the feelings of being use while he was sleeping. "Why did she have to lie to me about not wanting to share a room, or the fact she wanted to have sex....," he trailed off not getting why he would like to him, he even started to doubt the fact she was a virgin.

(ps: I do got a post in the works for vampire just taking a while)
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Thanks, but I think I will grab one of my suitcases. Kinda want to change." Katt blushed slightly as she grabbed one of her smaller bags out of the trunk, ducking to the side just as the werelioness ran past her. Her face turned an even brighter shade of red as she caught her scent, recgonizing another feline in heat immediately and hurrying up to the house to get away from it.

Katt rushed to catch up to Casey, she felt horrible from his reaction when he woke up. She was still at the end of the hallway, barely able to catch up to him thanks to the large house. She slowed as she heard him talking, her sensitive ears picking up his words. She looked down at her feet a bit ashamed as she walked slowly the rest of the way into the room.

"I didn't lie." she said quietly as she walked in, "I didn't, want to share a room, or, have, sex." she admitted, she would've blushed if she wasn't already a dark red, "Listen, Casey, about in the car. I'm sorry, I don't know what, no, I know what came over me. I, kind of lost control of my instincts, if, you're mad at me, I'll understand." she said, holding onto her arm with her free hand as she looked away a bit embarrased.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The young werewolf looked at the tigress nervously not trusting her. "Why didnt you just say you were sorry at least instead of letting me hear it from our driver?" he asked, while he kept his back turned to her. "Okay what about one girl how she acted do all girls just want sex or do just felines want it more?" he asked not realizing that the older female was in heat at the time.

A moment later Casey sighed some as he thought about what just happened and sighed again. He walked over to his wife and hugged her. You know if our roles where reversed as you were cuddling against me... I would put my arms around and kinda them rest below your....," he trailed off blushing deep crimson, "chest." He just admitted to wanting to do things to her as well. "I'm scared and I think you are to so how about this share the bed but not try anything without asking or at least talking about stuff?" he asked pulled away some not wanting to give her the impression he was tyring anything.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Because, I was a bit embarrased, I didn't expect the driver to say anything." Katt admitted, walking over to the bed and setting her suitcase down on it, "And, you might not have been able to tell, but she was in heat." Katt explained, "Felines, do tend to be a bit, how do I put it, amorous, but we can keep our instincts in check for the most part. When in heat though, we lose control, acting purely on the need to mate." she chuckled a bit, "Don't worry, mine's still a week or so away, so we won't have to worry about that for a bit."

"Yeah, that sounds fine," Katt smiled, setting a paw onto one of Casey's arms, keeping them wrapped around her, "I think you've earned a chance at least." she purred a bit as she turned her head to look back at him, "I guess I should change pants huh?" she laughed, standing up out of Casey's arms as she went to her bag, grabbing the zipper and pulling it, but it didn't open, "What the, I didn't lock this thing." she thought aloud as she grabbed one of the smaller pockets on the front and opened it, pulling out a small envelope with 'Katt' written on the front.

She stared curiously at it, popping out a claw and cutting it open before taking out the letter, catching a small gold colored key that fell from it as she began to read aloud.

Quote:Dear Katt,

I took the liberty of picking you up so clothes that you and your new husband might enjoy. You can thank me later. Remember to keep in touch.

Your sister,

Katt crushed the letter in her hand, her eyebrow twitching a bit, "I am going to kill that girl!" she growled a bit. She looked down at the key, then at the suitcase. She gulped a bit as she undid the lock on the zipper, unzipping the suitcase and lifting up the lid. Her jaw nearly hit the floor as she looked into the bag. Inside the bag was filled with multible diffrent kinds of lingerie, lacy, tight, see-through, sexy, and any combination of the four, "Kill. Kitt." she growled a bit as she held a clenched fist in the air, forgetting for a second that Casey was still in the room.

OOC: How's that for an awkward situation lol.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey blushed he knew what the what the term amorous meant roughly. Yet when she told him she would be in heat in about a week he gulped nervously not sure if he should be happy that he would be getting a lot of sex for few days, or worried that she might hurt him. "Okay that's good to know," he said sheepishly as he gulped again.

He grinned when she agreed to sleeping in the same bed and how he earned the right stay in the that said bed. "Your call I am still a little sleepy myself thinking about just watching some tv and going to sleep," he suggested while Katt tried to open her bag.

When she read the note that her sister left her his wife sounded mad. When she opened up the medium size bag and he saw all of the exotic pairs of lingerie. He saw a pair that was orange, with black stripes, and had a half circle of white. he figured there was a top was similar in nature and realized it was skin outfit it where it was supposed to match her fur pattern. When she spoke again he gulped nervously.

He walked over he didn't know what he was going to do or say. As he got a closer any and all of the naughty garments would get him aroused without Katt putting them on. Even though he didn't know Kitt she was trying way to hard. "Your sister is trying way to hard, since even simple bra's and panties would be hot on a girl," he said blushing and laughing deeply at how hard kitt had tried.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt quickly shut the lid of the suitcase, trying to hide her anger and embarrasment, especially so she didn't take it out on Casey by accident when it wasn't his fault in the least. She groaned a bit as she sat down on the bed, her head in her paw as she shook it a bit, smiling slightly from Casey's attempt to cheer her up, "That's my sister, she must've seen something on TV, or the internet, and figured these would be necessary. She's still pretty young, don't think she fully understands what marriage means. Or what these," she glanced over at the suitcase, "Outfits, would be needed for. I think the marriage is still too young to have to rely on gimmicks." she laughed a bit.

She looked up at Casey, smiling a bit, "Sorry to dissapoint, but I don't think I'll be trying those on for awhile." she teased, "You'll just have to deal with plan old un-sexy me."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad