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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
Savior's eyes opened up and widened as he felt her lick the side of his cock, the shaft twitching in pleasure. He again scolded himself and tried to keep his cool, but after being licked like that it was harder. "This game of yours is nothing more than an attempt to humiliate or torture me. Do whatever you want to me and leave," he commanded, regaining a little bit of his composure. That was lost as his cock was suddenly sucked by the woman, and he quietly moaned in pleasure. "I will admit though...You have talent..." he declared.

Part of him told him to play along in the game, thinking it would be best to let her think she won. He didn't know if this was his intellect speaking or his lust...
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
She smiled around his cock as he moaned and pulled away, kissing the tip. "Oh, you heroes are all so silly when it comes to these things, trying to pretend that you cant be corrupted or pleasured. I know the true you Savior, I know that you are enjoying this. Perhaps enjoying it almost as much as me." She then stood to and looked at his face. "Now, you can either open your eyes, or I can make your eyelids transparent." She threatened, fully willing to do so. If he forced her to then she would, and he would find himself able to see right through his own eye lids, no longer able to block out her sexy visage. "Come on, admit it, you want to see me naked." she said, leaning in close to him, her breasts pressed against him again, her lips brushing his.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior opened his eyes, not needing a spell to be placed on him. He listened to her talk, and when she was finished he simply nodded his head. "Yes. I want to see you naked," he added. It was not a submissive statement, but rather a normal one. He did speak in a lighter, less deep tone, so Dark Spell could tell she was making progress at the least.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Oh, thats too fake." she complained, pulling away from him entirely. "If you want to see any of this," she said, showing her hands down her body. "and get a taste of these." she added, showing off her barely clothed breasts. "Then you are going to have to beg a little my dear hero. Dont worry, I promise it will be worth it." she said with a wink.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I don't beg," Savior replied, putting his foot down. He knew better than to let himself slip, even a little. All it would take was one small crack for his will to break down. He couldn't let that happen. "Either we have sex now, or not," he added, glaring at her and showing her his will. A rather stupid move one could argue, and his body did scold him, but he had to be strong.

Suddenly he remembered Shad'ja. If she wasn't given blood soon....He had to get out soon. And to get out, he had to let himself seem weak! He cursed himself as he made the realization and he said, "Fine. You win. Please, take your clothes off....I am begging you. I want to see you naked," he mumbled, just clear enough for it to be heard.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Spell frowned. "No, I dont believe you." she sighed hard and turned away. "Oh well, lets see how long you last with my servant." She said, snapping her fingers as she left. When she did Savior would hear chains rattling and see a girl shuffle out of the shadows. She was entirely naked and her hands were tied behind her back with chains and cuffs. Aside from that she wore only a collar with a chain leach dangling down between her breasts. Her eyes were pained and reluctant, but she still walked towards Savior until she reached him and kneeled down in front of him and began to rub her face against his cock. She was clearly some poor captive of some kind that Spell had taken prisoner and turned into a demeaning slave. She was young and beautiful, her eyes the color of sapphire crystals, and her skin was flawless, her nipples hard and pink. Her hair mirrored the pink color, and was soft as silk, which Savior could feel as she nuzzled his cock. She soon began to lick and kiss the head before she began to suck him off, bobbing her head back and forth.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior fought to try and keep himself calm, trying his best to ignore the pleasure his dick felt. He glared at Dark Spell, and asked, his voice hiding the pleasure, "What exactly do you plan on doing to me? Making me your slave?" Inside, he was panicking. There was no telling what the girls were doing or if they knew about him. Shad'Ja would die, Kitty wouldn't be able to get out, Hope....Hope would...

"Release me!" he growled, letting out some of his anger, before letting out a growl, feeling his dick rise from the girl's mouth and realizing the witch was gone. "Stop," he calmly ordered her, glaring down at the woman. "I can save you," he whispered, trying to get out of the chains, in vain though.

((I'll be slow posting for a bit. VERY sorry))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(Just checking before I post, but you do realize Dark Spell left right?)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Whoops. Nope. I'll edit it in a few minutes. Again, sorry!))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.