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Xeno panic!
The women cowered and tried to look as small as possible as Alex transformed. "P-Please...dont hurt us..." the woman begged softly. "I do not see what they blinding their own race would do against us. It seems like they simply spared her the horror of your true form...unless you werent using it, then I suppose shifting would be a hassle. In any case brother," The creature said as his tails stretched out and shot at the girls, wrapping them both up in the coils of his powerful tails and lifting them off the ground as they screamed and cried.

"How have they been treating you? I suspect that they have given you many fresh hosts to impregnate? I have only just arrived, and yet for every female I impregnate, they hand me another. It makes me wonder if they some how think they will survive this....Bah, I ramble, tell me of your experience. If you have not been allotted as many hosts, then I will let you impregnate the older female."
As he spoke, the girls were placed in different places. The older woman was thrown onto the slime covered bed where she stuck.

Tentacles crept out from under the bed and grabbed her arms and legs, tying her down and holding her still, gagging her to silence her screams. The younger girl was thrown right under the bed, were other tentacles took her and dragged her under, where another small girl was hidden. This Xeno was the kind that killed and fucked mercilessly, mostly because for those that it did not come to naturally, mercy was a hard feeling to comprehend.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex walked over to the bed, and sat down on it, as he watched the Xeno go on to the girls. He was born with mercy in his veins, and while some saw this as a fault, he did not. I have been given four girls. For some reason the human likes messing with them, as he blinded one of my girls and said I did it...I do not like being here, and I am considering escaping, but the hard part comes from the fact I want to keep these girls with me after I escape. Also, word of advice, be careful. These humans will try taking one of your girls and messing with her biology, and then blame you on it.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Ah, so you are a soft shell. Well enough then." the Xeno said as he walked over to the bed and began to stroke the girls thigh absentmindedly as she shivered and cried through her gag. "I do not care what they do with their own kind, they hare hardly my concern. I have an instinct, I follow it. What happens afterward is none of my concern. So they can do what they like as long as they keep supplying me with new hosts." He let his long drooling tongue slip out of his mouth and lick up and down the girls face, making her pale and tremble.

"In any case, they are probably trying to learn why I impregnate my hosts with pure seed while you impregnate your with deluded do impregnate them right?" The Xeno continued, using his mind to speak, freeing up his grotesque tongue to wander the trembling girls body. Under the bed the other girls muffled sobs could be heard. This Xeno was a spawner, and had already spawned a keeper, who was probably swallowing the small cat girl even as they spoke, packing her into and internal sack where she would be kept unconscious but alive and somewhat healthy as it allowed her to age to proper breeding levels.

The spawner meant that one of the girls he had impregnated had already given birth, and it was unlikely that she survived. It was alright though, since Alex had also killed a woman as well.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Soft is hardly the word I would use to describe myself. Alex simply said. I...try to impregnate them, yes. But I see no point in killing them. Perhaps they are simply trying to find out why I have mercy, and you are cruel? the alien suggested.

Alex hated being called a soft shell. He was constantly thought bad and treated lowly because of it. Just because he was kind, did not make him weak! He sighed and tried to calm himself down, awaiting the fellow Xeno's answer.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Hahaha. I would hardly call myself cruel. Does the (their version of a rabbit) think the (their version of a wolf) cruel for eating? Does the (their version of a bug) call the (their version of a bat) for hunting? If I were cruel, I wouldnt simply hang them and leave them in peace once I was done with them." As he said this his tongue found its way to the girls ample breasts and began to lick them and coil around them. "Look, I even allow them to lubricate before I impregnate them. Im not sure how much nicer I could be while still fulfilling my role."

It was no surprise that the xeno didnt think himself overly cruel, he likely couldnt even read human expressions. Alex could, and he would understand how the poor, terrified women felt as they hung there day after day as their stomachs grew larger and larger. That was because he had transformed into a human for several days, and had grown accustomed to their way of thinking. This Xeno had likely never bothered with transforming into a human.

The girl cried softly into her gag as she was ashamed with her bodies arousal, her nipples quickly becoming hard points as the tongue teased and groped them.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex chuckled a bit and rested on the bed, if the other alien did not mind. Mercy was something I was born with, sadly. I am almost jealous you were born without it, and I was born with it. If you want to know why I am so much...softer, as you put it, trying being a human for a few days. I can promise you it will change your view he sighed, as he looked at the ceiling, hearing the girls' cries and moans.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The girl suddenly cried out as she felt the tongue go lower, to her quivering nether lips. "Become human? Why? Just to see it through their point of view? Im not sure its any fun for them, dont get me wrong, but I dont think they hate it as much as you say." As if to contradict him, one of the blond beauties on the walls looked at Axle and begged him softly. At first her words were hard to make out, but his Xeno hearing would hear her. "Kill me...please...kill me..."

The girl on the bed was now shaking with sobs as the tongue went in deeper and licked all over. "Ah, an untouched one." The Xeno said with a smile. "If only I didnt have to always restrain them, it really does take half the fun out of it. Back Xenon, the (their normal hosts) hardly resisted when we caught them, and the noises they made were much less...loud and screechy. These never stop." the Xeno sai with a shake of his head.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Indeed, it is a shame... Alex replied, before looking up, looking for a speaker. "What exactly is the point here? I'm getting rather bored," he said. "We're not going to start trying to kill one another. If you're not going to do anything soon, atleast deliver me some real food. Not the gray, tasteless stuff, real food."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"What? They dont feed you?" The Xeno asked as his tongue thrust in and out of the crying woman. "Thats criminal, they even feed these hosts, and they are basically sacrificing do you speak human again? With lips right?" The Xeno said as he withdrew his tongue and tried to form proper lips on his face. After failing to create a proper wind pipe and vice box he simply gave up and changed into a human. He was a tall white male with black hair and black eyes. As he spoke he coughed and sputtered. "Do they really always have to use these lungs to breath? I mean, poison and dust could get in there." The xeno complained.

He then looked up at where the slime had covered the speaker and said "Indeed, bring us something to eat, I wont stand here and allow a brother to be hungry." Soon two robots entered with two plates. one with a raw steak and another with pancakes. the xeno was, all the while, trying to understand how to work his new body. When he tried to eat the steak he spat and found it disgusting. "Ehh, what does a human eat that tastes good?" He asked, realizing his human taste buds didnt like raw meat.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex quickly began to eat his pancakes, but when he saw his brother being unable to take the steak, he took himself and happily ate it. "Try some of these. They are called, pancakes, and I like them," he said as bit down on the steak and tore a piece, and ate it. "You can also pour this on the pancakes, and they will taste sweeter," he said, holding up a bottle of maple syrup. "Careful though, it is sticky."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.