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Xeno panic!
Agatha cried out as she was penetrated all the way and bit her finger as she closed her eyes and held in her screams. "S-so deep." She moaned softly, clearly in allot of pain...and pleasure. "Ahh...please....let go of m hips...." She begged him, lightly trying to push away from him so she could adjust herself. She Her pussy was extremely tight, tighter than the other girls, partially because she was human, and partially because she was scared half to death.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex moaned and released her as begged. "Ride me, Agatha!" she commanded. "If I don't think you're doing the best you can to please me, I won't be going easy on you," the alien woman said.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Agatha obeyed and did her best to ride Alex's cock while not hurting herself. The result felt great, not as good as a full fuck but her tight pussy made up for that. "M-Mistress...." Agatha moaned, her legs burning from her constant movement. "I...Im going to cum..." She moaned loudly, biting her finger as she neared her orgasm.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Hold it in....a little longer!" Alex moaned, before grabbing her hips and began to fuck her fast and hard, lifting her up and down, searching for her G-spot and when she found it, she ordered, "Cum now, slut!" As Agatha did, her pussy tightened, and Alex would pull out, and spray her seed all over the human's body.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Agatha cried out in pleasure as the order finally came and her back arched as she shook with a tremendous orgasm. And then she was covered in warmth and knew no more. Agatha passed out. her body covered in cum and sweat, and she lay on the floor as she panted in her sleep, her breasts rising and falling to show she was still alive.

"We will now take her for study." Said the speaker, and two capture bots entered the room. One took Agatha into its tentacled grasp and lowered her into the pod on its back, closing it and taking her away. The other, however, remained. "We will also be taking you." The speaker added. "We wish to run another test, but we would ruin it if we told you what it was, so please enter the capsule."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'll go, but only if you tell my girls not to worry about me," Alex said, and refused to go into po until this was agreed with. "Does it matter if I need to be a boy or girl?" she added, and if it didn't matter, he would transform back into his male form, complete with clothes. He then slowly, walked into the pod, wary of danger, just in case.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
They would tell him that it was not important what shape he took, and the robot did only what it was supposed to, which was transport him to where ever he was going. He could not see where he was being taken, or what would happen to her girls when he left, but he did not have to wait to long to have something to do. Soon he heard a familiar click and slide, the same his door made whenever the scientist sent something into his room, and would know that he was entering another cell much like his own.

But when the robot opened up and allowed him out, he would find that it was almost completely different from his own holding place. Although it was just as large and the same shape as his own room, with a large bed and soft, padded floor, walls and ceiling, that was where all similarities ended. The walls were covered, absolutely covered in a bio material like slime. He would know of this slime, he himself could produce it if he wished. It made for a great binding tool.

Hung on the walls, stuck there by the thick stuff, were women, five of them to be exact. Three were anthro, two were human. They were all pregnant, all with xeno seed, pure xeno seed. Most of them were not likely to survive such an ordeal, and Alex would know that he was in a room with another of his kind, another more feral Xeno

And there he was. He sat on the bed, lavishing as he watched his hosts squirm, moan, or cry in their perches. The ones that had been there longest were already subdued and were either asleep or moaning softly. The others were struggling, crying or a mixture of the two. They were all more than likely terrified of him due to the fact that he was in his natural form, and didnt seem to make any attempt to hide it.

He looked at Alex, and much like Alex, blasted an uncountable amount of tentacles towards him, quickly surrounding him, but not attacking him. "You are male." The creature said in at least three voices. " are Xeno." He corrected as he sniffed the air. Lazily he stood to his feet and opened his arms. "Welcome brother, to my temporary home. Why have they sent you?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex kept quiet as he transported to the new cell. As he stepped out he could smell a familiar scent. It was much like his own, and he saw the girls being hung up on the wall. He had to admit. The girls were cute. Especially the two human girls, and the first anthro. He noticed they were all filled with Xeno seed, and he turned around as he saw a being of his kin looking at him.

He did not flinch as the tentacles surrounded him, why did he have to? They were kin. There was no point to try and fight each other. He bowed his head in respect, and looked at his 'friend.' "Hello, brother. I do not know why I am here. I was hoping you could tell me. Tell me, what is your name? I go by Alex, or Master, as my women call me."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The being withdrew his tentacles and laughed. "There is no reason to look like a human brother, nor to use their speech." said the xeno. He began to resonate with vibrations and thoughts that were then transported to Alex. Although the language of Alex's people was completely different from how humans and anthros spoke, it translated roughly like "I am the one of my race(And in an instant Alex could see his genetic history leading up to the first spawned Xeno, which was how they identified each other). So you do not know why you are here, and the creatures that think they hold us have told me nothing, so this must mean they are testing what it is like when two of our race interact. Their curiosity is such a hindrance, they even give us fresh bodies of their own kind to impregnate, I was awaiting the next one when you entered, which is why I nearly entrapped you."

Suddenly the door behind Alex opened and another robot dropped off not one but two new females. The first tumbled forward and fell against Alex's leg with a groan. The other was a little more stable and fell on her butt in front of the door. Both tried to cover themselves up and both screamed and tried to hide behind Alex as they saw the monster standing near the foot of the bed.

"W-What is that thing?!" The older woman asked Alex as the younger one simply hugged his leg, looking fearfully at the monster an the women on the wall. "Please...this is some kind of mistake, why am I here?" The golden haired beauty asked.

Xeno chuckled and sent another wave of thoughts to Alex. "The young one will have to go with the other young one for now, they are to young to properly bear broods but they are allot of fun to play with. The older one however is ripe for impregnation. She smells the best of all the girls I had, I wonder if she is supposed to be special." Alex could smell it to, a perfume, she had been captured very recently and was being used very quickly while all the other girls seemed to have been subject to at least some training and cleaning before hand.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at situation with more careful analysis, though he had to admit, the older one was very attractive.. Careful. These creatures are a cruel group. They blinded one of my girls in the name of their science. This could be a trap of some sort. They maybe trying to see if we will fight over the girls he suggested, before his body began to shake and transform. He soon stood in his true form, like the other Xeno. I suppose these girls are yours, my brother. A shame. They are attractive.... he said.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.