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Angewomons_Lover and MasterZero's RP
Alex slapped her ass as she left and smiled, winking at her. "Oh what to do....Hmmm....I got it," he smiled and waited patiently for the girls to finish their shower, picking out some outfits for the girls.

A school girl outfit for Kristen, a pink, small, string two piece bikni for Ophanimon, and a small white apron for Refia.

((I hope you have no problem with loli))


"Thank you...Master," Mai whispered into his ear as she hugged his neck and rubbed her head into his chest, and soon fell asleep in his arms.
The three girls came out of the bathroom about ten minutes later, wrapped in towels from drying off, but completely naked underneath those.

"Alright Master, what do you have for us three sluts?" Kristen asked with a smile as she approached Alex, kissing his cheek gently and nuzzling it a little bit.


Ereth grinned, gently stroking Mai's back with one claw as he flew. "Mmm...such a good slut..." he mumbled to himself, soon arriving back at his house, and entering, going back up to the master bedroom with Mai and laying her down on the bed, pulling the warm blanket over her. "See you in a while, my sexy slut." he added, kissing her forehead gently before leaving the room.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Alex kissed her back and gave them her outfits. "Ladies, you will be playing the role of my family. Kristen, Ophanimon, you two will play my older sisters. Refia, you're my dear mommy...You each abuse me, and treat me like dirt," the human explained as he searched around for a small book. "Ahem..." he said, and said a strange incantation. Suddenly Alex glowed blue, and shrunk down in size, and age. Where once stood a man in his late twenties, there was now child. "How do I look, ladies?" the adorable child asked, his voice filled with youth and innocence.


Mai moaned in her sleep, before cuddiling into the bed. "I love you...Master."
"Awww, you look so cuuuute!" Kristen smiled and hugged the little boy, her tail swishing happily as she held him close to her ample breasts. "'s gonna be hard to be mean to such a cutie little human!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Well don't worry, you won't have to be for long...Eventually, I will snap, and will show you that just because I'm youngest, doesn't mean I'm weakest," Alex smiled. "I'll show you all a good...time," he said, before suddenly cuddling up to Kristen's tits. "Mmm...I could sleep here..." he whispered, rubbing his child body against the tits.
"Hehe...I know...aren't they soft?" Kristen purred, giving the little boy a soft kiss on the cheek, her tail swishing happily as her enormous breasts were nuzzled and rubbed.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Alex quickly shook his head and gave Kristen's nipple a pinch. "Stop it, my love, or we'll never get to the video. I think I'll fuck you first, Kristen, then you Ophanimon, and finally you Refia. Get changed ladies," he ordered as he got out of Kristen's hold and walked into the Holo-room. When the girls walked in, they stood in a girl's bed room, though it was slightly messy, it was still very beautiful and well made.

"Refia, Ophanimon, I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside for a bit. Feel free to make out, while Kristen and I play," he smiled. "Kristen...The camera is going, give me an order and treat me bad, big sister. Because soon I'm going to do worst to you."
"Mmm, as you wish, Master..." Kristen giggled softly, before putting on a stern look. "Alright, little brat! I want you to clean and organize my closet, ya hear? And if there's one shoe or dress out of place, I'm telling mom and you'll be grounded!" she growled, before pushing the little boy toward the closet. "Get moving!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
The young boy nodded and quickly opened Kristen's closet and began to organize it. "Ummm...B-big sister? I was wondering, if you could introduce me to your friend, May?" Alex asked, making the girl up in his head. "I-I mean, she's really cute and- and I want to get to know her. Ummm...Can you?"
"What do I look like, a dating website? Get to cleaning!" Kristen growled, slamming the closet door shut with him inside. "And don't come out until you're finished, got it, brat?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan