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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*

Quote:Sorry, didn't think you'd mind ^^; It WAS just a Mettaur...

You needn't worry about it, it's not that I mind or not, it's just that any enemy in a RPG is controlled as it's suggested, by the one who starts writing about it. And as you know, if you want to say you kill it yourself just ask, you'll only lose a minute or two sending a PM ;)

Quote:I... guess I don't know where to fit mehself in. n_n;

I doubt Calibremon knew where to fit himself so he just went to the story, why don't you do the same and join the fun instead of waiting?


"I don't care what I got to do!" Mar growled in frustration, he looked on the black colored chip on his right hand, "I'm gonna free PyroMan in any way I can! Dark Body Battle chip..." he raised the chip up into air, "IN!!" he sent.

(Cyber World)

PyroMan's blue eyes widened, the pupils shrank to little dots. "Uhhh.. ahhhhhh- GYAAAAAH!!" he screamed as purple lighting stroke him continously.
The cage exploded.

At the first moment, nothing was going on but a huge secondary army approaching the first one to guard the cages from Leviathan. And suddenly, that same army disappered into bits of data. In front of the leading group of viruses, there was a new one. Shaped like a wolf with two tails, a dark figure moved in stealth, appearing continously in different places. Its purple eyes were the only thing visible each time he warped.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: If it was that easy, I would've replied earlier. Which it isn't for me.


"You know, it's odd... we haven't seen so many viruses around the net today..." Kyo muttered, resting back on his seat as the PET rested upon his table, connected up to the computer. Beside it, a set of chips ready for using as he chuckled. "...Maybe they've already been cleared out."

From the PET, a more maturer voice came out, although digitized in more or less a way. "Guess so. Or maybe they're just afraid, they're usually not so strong viruses here..." He then cursed slightly, which wasn't really caught as he spoke through again. "Maybe we should try to find another Navi to fight, the last one gave us a hell of a challenge and I loved finishing him with my Macabre."

"Yeah, you almost got deleted.... Congrats. You wanna risk yourself again?" Kyo asked, rubbing his neck nervously as he sweat-dropped.

*Cyber World*

Standing up on a golden platform and walking about slowly, the Navi walked. Heavily customized, he was cladded in a bright red armor, with black stripes streaking across it. His right arm, instead of being his normal arm, was an energy blade, glowing bright blue, while his left consisted of a normal metal arm. His face was that of a dragon's, with red hair, and a scar down his right violet-colored eye. "Yeah, it's more fun taking risks then killing off these low-life." He muttered, still looking around the area. "Problem is, we gotta use some of you're skills. You up for it?"

*Real World*

Shuffling a little, Kyo nodded, his brown hair ruffling a little in the breeze coming from the open window. "Sure. But if you get deleted, don't blame me. You wanted this."

A sarcastic voice came back. "When have I not?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Looks like a little puppy needs some obediance training." Leviathan smirked holding her staff behind her back ready to strike, "Where are you you little mongrel?" She thought aloud as her eyes moved around the area searching for the monster.

Slash paused and looked back, "If you're up for a fight feel free to come. Just don't slow us down." Slash said as he took off again towards where Leviathan was standing earlier.


"Wow, they really don't wanna lose that pyro navi." Izuna thought spotting quick flashes of whatever was attacking them, "But they've never gone up against Leviathan." She smiled with confidence.

*Deep below the domain of Foxy*

Two large crystal blue eyes opened, shining brightly against the darkness of the area. A small rumbling was heard as the eyes just as quickly vanished. Moving upwards at incredible speeds.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Rrrr?" the little dark blur growled, it moved side-ways then behind Leviathan, it took some time to sniff her, before it growled again. Warping in front of her in the spar of the second he'd taken to do everything, it withdrew a Samurai sword and slashed twice in front of the female Navi.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

"Two minutes until Full Acceleration."

Auspex disregarded the generator and turned his senses to the air. Mortar smoke had willowed through the forestry, flooding the trenches. The Troopers outlines faded to white. It smelled heavy, gun-powder-packing thick.

Another odor entered his nostrils. A sweet, cloying musk that burned through smoke like a candle to wax. He detected pockets, between the rolling punch of smoke and the wind caressing his armor. He knew its perverted essence.

Auspex walked back to the Generator hub. Accompanied with four Troopers, he languished underneath the Emerald, turning his armor ghostly nightshade. He pretended to recheck the temperature gauges. He ran diagnostics of the ventillation system. No matter how hard he tried, a sense of boredom ran through his mind.

'Third line hasn't even fired a shot.' A Trooper said. 'All the damn factions are fighting each other, stupid bastards.'

Another nodded. 'With luck we'll slip out in no time.'

"Two more minutes and everyone will collapse their positions. Every living Chamberlain must commit to killing whatever is sitting inside Foxies Domain, or die in the process, because we only have one shot at this."

'No problem sir. She only wishes she was one of us.'

'Or she's making out with that captive boyfriend of hers.'

Auspex shook his head as they laughed. Viruses yes, but men nonetheless...[/i]
Kurtz chuckled even more, while walking, as he brought his left arm out, a small machine of sorts protruding from part of his armor as he looked at the hub on it. It was green on all three orbs. Perfect. "Hey, we got a homepage round here. Close enough to spot."

"You sure?" Kyo's voice chimed back, as Kurtz sighed, shaking his head.

"Damnit, trust me for once. Yes, it's a homepage." Kurtz growled a little, before looking around, as he noticed the portal of sorts that was still as yet standing. "Hm... not a homepage link, but it probably leads to one!"

"Take it then, let's see what it leads to." Kyo chimed, as Kurtz charged forward, speeding into it and vanishing through it.

*Real World*

Taking a moment, Kyo started to think. "A portal in the middle of nowhere.... something has to be up... Was all that ran through his head, as he put a hand to his head. "Damnit... this ain't getting me..."

"Hey! Kyo! Stop daydreaming, this is nothing to be talking to yourself about!" Kurtz's voice muttered over the PET, as Kyo blinked, surprised by the sudden interuption.

"What? Something wrong?"

"Like hell it is!"

(Foxy's Domain)

Already standing on what was to be the other side of the portal, Kurtz was watching as he started to walk forward slowly, finding his way forward as his armored feet clanked against the panel's of the homepage, his energy sword retreating for a moment back into his right arm. "This.. doesn't look right... it looks more like a... trap place more then anything. I mean, would anyone have pink all over their domai-"

"Kurtz, you redefine the word 'idiot' to the highest level."

"Let me guess, pink is the evil color."

(Real World)

"Course. Now, back on track." Kyo noted, as he pulled a can out from the fridge beneath him of chilled soft drink, before opening it, and taking a sip. "Any... hostile or movements around?"

"None whatso-" He blinked as he started to make his way further in, noises hitting against him. "Hold on... hostile activity... detected. Not too far."

"Where?" Kyo chimed back, his voice echoing in a little more distress.

"Up ahead." Kurtz muttered, taking a look before he started to run.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Zephyr followed Slash closely, keeping up with him easily. "Fight? What kind of a fight?" he asked as he followed. "Viruses, Navis, what?"

"What does it matter?" Alex chimed in, sorting his chips out on the desk.

"Well, as a general rule, Navis are a hell of a lot stronger than most viruses..." Zephyr remarked.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Don't know." Slash admitted, "Could be both."


"Slash you need to hurry, Leviathan ran into something. I can't see from my screen but I think she needs help."


"No problem," Slash responded to his op, "I'll be there in no time, and I'm bringing a friend." he smiled as he kicked in the after burners and flew the rest of the way to the domain, "Okay we're here."


Levithan jumped backwards out of the swords range, "Take your time, this thing may be fast but it doesn't seem to be much of a threat."

"Let's finish this quickly." Izuna said pulling out three chips, "Water tornado, triple slot in!" Her hands moved quickly as they inserted one chip after the other in rapid succession.

Leviathan smiled, her hands began to glow in a bright blue aura, "TSUNAMI DRAGON!" She placed her hands on the ground and a large blue tornado erupted from it, it narrowed and lengthened as it's shape changed into that of a largescale dragon. It quickly lunged at the mysterious attacker roaring loudly.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The creature's eyes glowed a bright red as it was threatened by the huge Program Advance. Its sword disappeared and was replaced by a trap chip. Element Trap was set on to counter the water attack, the attacker fled after setting it, disappearing in a dark blur.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Zephyr stopped, tapping the blunt end of his weapon on the ground, igniting the energy blade at the opposite end of the shaft, before gripping it in both hands and looking on.

"Oh crap! Alex, its a trap!" Zephyr miuttered. Alex watched, his fingers spread over his stack of chips.

"There's not much I can do from here, save from giving you something to trigger the trap yourself."

"If she takes a hit from element trap with a program advance, it could delete her..."

"It's AntiElement." Alex muttered, picking up a chip. "Ready?"

Zephyr tensed, gripping his weapon tightly. "Do it."

"AquaSword, Download." Alex said, plugging the chip in.

Zephyr shivered as the power flowed through him, erupting in a blade of turbulent water flowing from the blade of his weapon. He broke into a dead run, hoping to intercept the Program Advance and trigger the Trap chip before it did.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)