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STR8, YAOI, YURI, BI- pure, to-the-point sex RPG!!!
Mar nodded and then teleported just in front of Gray, then started by delivering a swift kick to his neck.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Grey bent down quickly- he wasnt used to fighting- so he did what he can. His furry tail immediately snaked around Mar's neck- grey twisted around- and slammed him on the floor-
He got slammed to the ground and smiled while laying with his arms spread on the ground ''Nice move Gray!'' He said and then appeared on top of him, landing on his shoulders '''Take this!'' He says and then backflips in air, then charges him in the air to the ground, but after he can touch the ground, he grabs Gray by his arm and pull them back as he kicks with both paws on his back, then Mar let's him go and backflips again, but to land on the ground behind him.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Grey was pushed forward- surprised, he flips in the air and lands squarely on his feet- and in a split-second caught mar in the stomach in an uppercut, sending him skyways- but he immediately grabbed Mar's tail - and slammed him to the ground. "Ouch- you're good-" Grey said- rubbing his arm.
He stumbled on the ground and coughed ''Wow... that kinda... hurt...'' He said between some gasps, then got up ''Thanks Gray- you are really good yourself!'' He says and then goes forward, aiming for a kick to his ribs, but then goes down in a surprising way to confuse him and ended kicking his stomach really hard, then took his chance and leaped up then charge him to the ground, falling with him all together on top of Gray and holding him with his knees on Gray's legs, his paws holding him by his arms and looking on him smiling ''Give up?''
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"hmm..." grey said, smiling, he was panting. "You're too good at this!" Grey said cheerfully- and then he used his tail to grab Mar by the neck- he did a complicated flip- and was on on a complex possition, one hand pinned his arms on his chest- his tail pinned Mar's tail- each leg pinned Mar's- and the other hand- "-But no, I've never had so much fun!" he said- and began tickling Mar with his free hand.
''Wha- HEY that's not- hahahahaha!!!- no- wait! don't- HAHAHAHA!'' He started laughing madly as he was tickled, he tried to break free from Grey's grasp, but he coudln't due to his lost of focus.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Harry slinked off to the side.

"Oh, God, tickling... reminds me of that time in Amsterdam..."
Man this is hot. Rei thought as he watched the two struggle on the floor.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Grey was enjoying Mar's laughter.

"Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy?" Grey joked as he tickled AMr cheerfully.