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Digimon Expansion RPG
Veemon smiled a bit nervous still, "I think you were about twenty feet around Ranamon..."

Aqua giggled as she took one slice of her pizza and munched it happily, "Well, if you say so!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ranamon's eyes widened, shocked to hear that she had gotten that big.

"Whoa, Ah've nevah been that big. Ohh, I feel like shit; Ah think Ah need to go lie down," she muttered, holding her belly. She got up and started to stagger back to the private rooms, only to stumble after taking a few steps.

"Ohh, mind giving me a hand, sugah?" she asked, struggling to stay on her feet.

Dark smiled as Aquaveemon scarfed down. As she munched on her pizza, he saw her tummy slowly start to round out. It wasn't very noticible, but she was definitly getting gassy. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ranamon stumbling towards the private area, a Veemon with her.

"What the..." he muttered, jumping to his feet and rushing over to Ranamon. Quickly running up next to her, he helped prop her up. "What happened, Rana?" he asked, turning her face to look at him, noticing her blood shot eyes and the smell of beer on her breath.
"Uhh... she kinda got too much beer inside her. I just drained her from it, but she doesn't look too well" Veemon responded.

Aqua was already munching her second slice of pizza when she noticed Darky going, "Darky?" she said and looked around, stopping to eat, oblivious that her belly was sticking out again and ran after her mate.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Darky turned to the little Veemon, glaring at him.

"Did you do this to her?!" he growled, letting out a low snarl. It wasn't unknown for males to inflate womon with beer, then fuck them while they were boozed out of their mind.
"Uhh..." Veemon smiled nervously, "Well... I did" he admitted.

Aqua looked over the buffy Veemon and suddenly lowered her ears, she stood back behind Darky so he wouldn't see her, "Darky... we should take her somewhere else" she whispered softly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hearing Aqua's words and the tone of her voice, he sensed that she wanted to be somewhere else. He picked Ranamon up in his arms, easily lifting her light body.

"So help me, if I find out you raped her, I will personally rip your dick off and shove it down your throat." he snarled, quickly moving back to the private rooms, making sure to keep Aqua hidden. Upon finding their room, he entered and set Ranamon down on the bed. The sea nymph was out cold, no doubt too boozed out to stay conscious. He then turned to Aqauveemon, whose tummy was now noticably paunchy.

"Is something wrong, Aqua?" he inquired, moving over and getting down on one knee next to her.
Veemon scratched the back of his head, "What the hell just happened?"

Aqua was about to talk, but she noticed her belly was touching the ground already, she blinked, "Uhh... my belly..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Darky decided not to press the issue, instead smiling at her and rubbing her swollen tummy.

"Mmm, looks like the bartender gave you a big dose of the 'special ingredient'," he teased, patting her stomach. "You still up for our role playing game, my dear?" he asked, pointing to the little dress.
Aqua blinked as she saw the dress, "Uhm... will it fit me?" she pointed at the still swelling belly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Darky cocked his head to the side, looking from the dress, to her swollen belly, then back to the dress. He hadn't expected her to get so big so fast, so he wasn't sure if he would be able to fit the dress over her.

"Hmmm, wasn't expecting you to get this big so fast, so maybe you should deflate yourself first," he suggested.