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Digimon Protectors
**good side**

TK looked at the good Kari and blushed as he held her hands. "Well guess it won't hurt if Dark Kari has her way with Davis just for this time" he said as he then hugged the good Kari still blushing. "I will be glad to spend time with you but what about the full Kari, I how long she can be like this split?" he asked her as he caressed her hair gently.

*Patamon and Gatomon*

Patamon's wings twitched a bit as he slowly opened his eyes and blushed seeing that he was on Gatomon's arms. "Guess I slept too much huh?" he asked her with a small smile and then he gave her a small kiss on her lips. "I did heard what you just said and you don't have to thank me anything, you always can count with me, I love you Gatomon" he said as he smiled warmly at her.

**bad side**

"Just leave the chosen of hope and his pathetic pig for me, I have a personal score to settle with those two" Devimon said with a very demonic smile.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
**Evil Side**

"ah and leave the chosen of light and her damn kitty for me... like Devimon... I also have a score to settle with those two.. I can't forget them" she grins deviously
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
\"I just saw him earlier. He wanted to say something to Daisuke-kun, but then Hikari-san was hurt. He had goggles sort of like Daisuke but they were yellow.\" V-mon explained as he look a slice also.

Daisuke whipped his eyes on the pillow and sniffed. Why does she have to come now? He pulled himself out of bed and walked slowly over to the door. He whipped his eyes once more on his sleeves just to make sure he got it all off. Daisuke cracked the door open to see her.
\"I\'m okay, you don\'t gotta worry about me.\" he assured quietly in a dry voice staring down at the floor.
Renamon smiled.
"Yep, that's Takato. He's our resident Gogglehead." Renamon looked at Veemon thoughtfully. "And I'm guessing that Davis is yours?"
\"Yeah! When I first met him he had these squar goggles but they got stepped on by Monochromon so Taichi gave the ones he has now to him, and Daisuke-kun likes them so much!\" V-mon continued.
"Cool," Renamon replied. "I quite like them as well. But i think Takato's are better."
** Evil side **
A slight shimmer nearby and a small cloud of misty darkness appeared, two deep red eyes within it boring into Devimon "I hear... that there is to be an attack... on the Digidestined..." Whatever creature the mist hid spoke in a dry voice... acompanied by the sound of a beak, claw or pincer snapping.
*evil side*

"That's right, and this time, there will be no mistakes" Devimon said with that evil smile on his face. "And who are you if I can know?" he asked the misterious creature
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
**evil side**

"Ah-haha..." The hidden Digimon laughed wothout humor "My name is not important... only what I can provide bares any significance."
**evil side*

LadyDevimon laughed deviously and then looks around before gazing her vision to the new outcomer. "... mysterious you like to be huh... more fun it will be I guess"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions