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Darkness to light (Silver/AWL)
"Naomi, untie that other girl...rrrrrghh...will you?" Ocax asked as he saw Naomi come in. "And close the door behind you." he added, before pushing the catgirl up against the wall, still holding her arms. "Listen, I'm only here to save you, and if I don't save you, then I'm out of a job." he explained. "Why don't you want to be free? Are you telling me you want to be in here, being mercilessly tortured for the rest of your miserable life?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Its...not about...what I want!" The slave growled as she tried to get free. "Its about what the mistress wants!..Let me go!" Naomi looked at her and then at Ocax. "Are you sure you would not like me to assist you here? I might be able to get her to stop fighting." She said softly, though the younger cat girl did not like that at all and screamed in pain and frustration, wanting to be let down more than ever. Tears dripped from her blind fold and were slowly collecting into a puddle beneath her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I can't let you go! Don't you understand that?" Ocax growled, still holding her arms tightly. "Naomi, please just let the other one free? I've handled worse than this, before." he told Naomi, before turning back to the target. "Please? Won't you come with me? I'll treat you much better. I'll give you food and water whenever you want, and you can do whatever you want, and not have to be tortured all the time, like you are here."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"No!" She growled, clearly beyond sense. "I wont leave! I will not leave my mistress!" She was far beyond words as well, Ocax had at least read about these cases, she had been basically brainwashed and chances were that she would need to be harshly separated for a long time before she could start to heal again. Naomi nodded and let the smaller girl down and undid her bindings. the thirteen year old cat girl began to cry right away and hugged Naomi's leg desperately. "I want to go home!" She wailed, missing her old life, her parents, her old friends.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Okay then..." Ocax sighed, shaking his head. I hate to have to do this...but it has to be done. he thought, holding her arms firmly with one claw, while reaching his other claw up to her neck, and squeezing tightly at an exact spot between her shoulder and neck, hitting a pressure point which would knock her out cold.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
The target was knocked out cold in an instant and went limp in his arms. The cat girl at Naomi's feet was trembling now as she crawled to Ocax's feet and kissed them softly. "Please sir, please, I know Im not the one you came to get...but please take me with you...please! Im begging you, I will do anything, Anything!" she begged as she tried hard to hold back her choked sobs. She was on the verge of breaking, and far to young to be indoctrinated into slavery. She rubbed her face on his feet and kissed them some more as she waited, praying with all her heart that she would not have to be left in this horrible horrible place.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Egh, stop kissing my feet!" Ocax shivered a bit, pulling his foot back as he laid the target down, pulling the other girl up off the floor. "No need to beg, now!" he told her, holding her up in his arms for a second, before setting her down on her feet. "What, you think I'm just going to leave you here?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
The small cat girl blushed and nodded, ashamed of herself. "Y-You ignored me before...didnt even say a word...and all the other girls...they are probably being punished right now, rebound and set up for the night. I thought...I thought you might leave me behind..." She sniffed back some tears as she spoke, looking down at the floor. "I..I want to wear clothes again, and to have a family and friends...Please dont leave me here." Naomi simply stared at Ocax, and then the girl and then Ocax again. He didnt have to take her, and she would be a hindrance, and there was no way he would escape if he went back for the what would he do now?
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I will not leave you here...I promise." The bird assured her, gently rubbing her shoulders, trying to make her relax. "Now we've got to get out of here...I know there was a window in the room to the side, and there was a bed, too. Let's go." he added, picking up the girl who was unconscious, and slinging her over his shoulder, taking the young girl by the hand. "C'mon, Naomi." he told Naomi, as he walked towards the door.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
They all went into the room, and Naomi had just shut the door when she heard it. Foot steps, coming closer to! "Master Ocax, we need to hurry!" She said softly as the steps grew nearer. Tears formed in the young girls eyes again and she wondered if she should have simply stayed where she was to avoid more pain later. It was all on Ocax now, they had to escape, escape or be captured trying,
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)