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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
frank was glad no one got hert, he whached the combatints thare evry move catolaged for later refrince. some times his learning capabelaty was scary.
OOC: In the words of Ras Al Ghul from Batman Begins: "Death doesn't wait for you to be ready!"
Alita got her own leg up in the way of the kick, then rolled back to cushion the impact slightly, as she came back up on her feet she lunged toward Shadow, launching a straight right toward his chin. She wasn't moving quite at full speed, she was still slightly sore from the fight she had before.
Deciding he deserved it for attacking without warning, Shadow let the blow land, it causing his head to jerk back. Shaking it off, he looked at the feline and smirked.

" didn't hesitate and you weren't holding back. Very good," he said, suddenly dropping to the floor and executing a sweep kick at her feet.
Alita let the kick land, rolling with the impact to come up on her feet again. "You attack without warning, and with considerable strength. I like your style."

She launched a kick at the side of his head as she came up, knowing that she needed to take the offensive in this confrontation.
Tilting to the side, her kick just missing his head, Shadow fell to one knee and launched a series of jabs at her gut.
Alita tried to block all of the jabs, but her reactions were a little sluggish, and a few got through her guard, she stumbled back a few steps, rolling over one of the benches, and slipping on a towel that had been left there earlier. She went down in a barely controlled tumble, and landed on her knees. She jumped up before he could try to close with her, but it was obvious by her stance that she was trying to hide some sort of pain.
Shadow could tell from her stance that she was in pain, yet just as he had with Anna, he ignored it and continued his attack.

"The pain you are feeling must be ignored. The battle does not end because you are hurt. If you want me to stop, you must defeat me," he said, launching a hard uppercut at her chin. At the same time, his tail wrapped around her legs and pulled.
Alita stepped inside his guard, locking his arm underneath her own, she stepped on top of his tail as it tried to wrap around her legs. Her other hand shot toward his throat as she leaned in close.

"The battle cannot end without defeat. Yet even if one's foe is defeated, has one truly won the battle, or has he just delayed it."
ooc: i chodin very well escort you back now chod i>

Ic: "well im done, see you guy later, ho and shadow you have small hole in your gared :) night!" and he left to go to his roomhe had alot of work to do, starting weth matereals, and a new bed.