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Digimon Expansion RPG
OOC: I just realized something; unless the beer is turned to gas, an act I think she's too big to do now, how will she deflate? Deflating from liquid inflation without some...embarresment was never something I came up with. You got any ideas?


Ranamon was too boozed out to hear the cheering, her body still filling with beer. Her hands and feet had been pulled into her swollen body, leaving big indents in her skin. Her breasts were the size of bean bag chairs and were slowly getting drum tight. Her body was now ten feet around, her skin slowly starting to creek from the pressure.

Darky was practically bathed in her cum and oil, the sexual liquids pouring over his head. He was forced backwards from her climax, slamming into a nearby wall with a loud THUD!

"Ohhh, did anybody get the number of that blockbuster," he groaned, managing to catch Aqua slowly shrinking before he passed out from the blow to his head.
OOC: Sorry kyo I must have missed your post. :P


Ebon reached down and started toying with the head of Dante's member "mmm nice." she commented lightly petting almost stroking it.
OOC: Why deflate when she can inflate even bigger? :P


Mar gasped, he felt his cock being hugged, "B-but! Wh-what are you d-doi-" he stopped as he let out a small growl from pleasure, loving the treatment.

Veemon grinned and cheered louder, everyone near Ranamon got quite wild and started roaring with flirts and acclamations as the inflating girl kept inflating bigger, they were all really amazed at her resistance.

Aqua let out final murrs as she stopped cumming finally, her body and breasts were back to normal.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Well, for one, she has a limit, like any normal balloon; she can only grow so big. For another, I don't like permanent inflation; I like using different methods of inflation, which is why I need to have a way for my characters to deflate, so that the inflation fun can go on and on.


Had Ranamon been sober, she probably would have been squealing with distress, as her body was slowly but surely reaching its limits. However, she was in a druken stupor, totally unaware of what was going on.

Her body was starting to creak from the pressure, her skin slowly taking on a light sheen. Losing her concentration, her throat closed up, blocking the beer from the hose in her mouth from entering her body, the liquid starting to build up in her throat and mouth. Ranamon's cheeks started to bulge out, filling with beer. Then, with a loud pop, the hose flew out of her mouth, a torrent of beer following.

Darky was still unconcious, Aqua's orgasm having thrown him back against the wall with such force that the wood had nearly splintered.
Veemon saw Ranamon starting to change in color, he started to get worried and pulled the other two hoses out as well, "Rana, you okay?" he asked with concern.

The crowd stopped cheering, "Aaww... boo! Party pooper!" and they all left the surroundings, clearly annoyed.

Aqua gasped and panted, she still tried to recover from the orgasm. She cuddled her boyfriend tightly like if he was a big stuffed animal.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ranamon's only repsonse was a low moan followed by a loud burp, bubbles coming from her mouth. Her body was nearly twenty feet around, a giant swollen sphere with a head.

Noticing the concern on Veemon's face, one of the patrons walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"I think yer friend needs to be emptied. Better take her to the pump next to the beer tank. That'll pull the beer out of her," he stated.

Feeling someone cuddling him, Darky let out a low groan as he opened his eyes, smiling when he saw the now normal sized Aquaveemon cuddling him like a stuffed animal. Her reached down and stroked her head.

"Mmm, look out world, Aquaveemon has a new attack; mega orgasm. You still up for that role-play, my little girl?" he purred, pulling her into a passionate kiss.
Veemon quickly nodded and tried dragging Ranamon with him to the pump, but she slipped from his hands, "Uhh... how...?" he noticed a small rope and quickly thought a small diagram featuring a Flying Balloon, a Plus Sign and a Rope. A lightbulb appeared over his face, "That's it!" he said and grabbed the rope and quickly tied it to Ranamon's leg, "Wait just a second I'll help you!" he said and rushed over to the pump.

Aqua smiled as she was kissed, she always loved when Darky did that already, "Well, I'd like that! But... could we first have something to eat? I'm a bit hungry..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ranamon let another groan, bubbles flowing from her mouth and nose. Had she been sober, she probably would have been amazed at her size. The biggest she had ever gotten was ten feet around.

"Sure. Come on, I'll take you to the bar," he said, gently picking her up and craddling her in his arms (OOC: with how tall he is, it would be awkward for him to hold her hand, so he has to show his affection another way.IC:). He gave her a warm smile, tickling her belly.

"Mmm, hope you don't mind getting a little gas from your meal. Though this place has good food, a lot of it's more gassy than normal." he cooed, kissing her forehead.
Veemon dragged Ranamon to the pump quickly, he guessed it was because of the sign, but he still had a doubt, "Uhh... how do I use it?"

"Aww," Aqua lay comfortable in Darky's arms, "I don't mind," she smiled cutely, "Just a burger or a pizza would be okay anyways!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Dante chuckled softly, murring. "...Oh, is that so...?" He then leaned down and licked Ebon's face. "Then, I'll take that as a compliment."


"Enjoying... your sexy body, of course.... you... kinda got me to like ya when I started to talk to you...." Tieya whispered softly, as she then gave the huge member a soft lick across the shaft. "...And, this ain't an inflation club for nothing... I wanna show you all of the little knacks.... newbie..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds