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Funny Joke(18+ or anyone who doesn't care) (non-digi)
I'll give you the answer after several more people post. It'll be funny if no one gets the right answer.
The match. I've heard something like this before.
*suddenly gets it*
Ohhhhh-thanks Unknown, that helped me become smarter! w00t!

but i've got an even better idea. Dont drive at night during rain storms, especially in a car that might break down. I solve the problem before it even exists! XD
Well I'm glad you got even a little smarter. People need to be smarter.
light the match first, use the match to light the gas lamp witch will be less likely to go out, then light the fireplace with the lamp. Don't bother with the stove since you don't have food.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Unknown passed. UNLIKE THREE PEOPLE HERE, who don't use common sense.

Gun: HEY- How should I know!? That's the first time I heard it!! DAMN HARD TESTS-
That's because I'm a big joke person. Whne I was little I read all the joke books in my school libary.
Blitz VanCrimson Wrote:Unknown passed. UNLIKE THREE PEOPLE HERE, who don't use common sense.

I'm guessing Me, Munkee, and Gun are those three? But what do you do once you light the match? It'll go out in a few seconds, it'd be too difficult to light a stove or a fire with one match, but a gas lamp that'd be lit easily and then you don't curse yourself when you waste your only match.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Light the damn umbrella! It'll give me entertainment!
No, it's Gun-Gun, Raymond, and Velmont. Blue's little brother passed.