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Bleach RPG
After Jena left, Yoksen smiled, a hollow mask appearing on the left half of his face for a split second "The infiltration is successful. Now to get all the information I'll need."
Liz lowered her ears, "I understand what you're saying... but there must be something good and something bad in the world, and I don't know what it is now. But if you want to survive you must fight, right?" she said, seeking aproval while the small hollow played with its paws together, the little one seeming not to understand anything at the moment.

"This is too complicated... what should I do?" Liz asked, thinking loudly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Loki watched as she played with the little demi-Hollow, unsure as well about what to do. "Well I dunno either..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Vulpin shrugged her shoulders again, "Whatever you want, but just remember the shinigami will hunt down that hollow the second he attacks anyone, and if he gets hungry enough he will attack someone." She said looking at the small hollow, I guess it is kinda cute She smiled a bit seeing it playing harmlessly on the ground, "Well either way that bit of energy I gave him should hold him for a few hours. You have until then to decide, side with the shinigami and risk him getting destroyed, or become an Arcannar and protect him." She walked over towards the door, "My name's Vulpin, if you decide on what you want, just call me." She gave a small wave as she vanished.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
(Outside Shadow's Office)

With a skidding halt Jena arrived at Shadow's door "Shadow!!" she yelled as she began knocking the door quite hardly "Captain Shadow this is urgent!"
Shadow was up and at the door in a second throwing the doors open, "What? What's the matter?" he asked, somehow maintaining his calm demeanor.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Yoksen appeared just outside the cell and saw Archaneous sleeping inside "You will be freed soon weakling." He then vanished.
"What..." Liz murmured, "What should I do?" she asked herself. First thing I suddenly die and become a demon hunter... now I'm running around like a fugitive with one of them... she thought, sighing and going to pick the baby dragon again. "She said some hours before you go back to your natural hollow state..." she stared at him.

The baby cocked its head and its huge white eyes opened and closed, then it leaned towards Lizzy, who only watched him as he buried his face inside her robes again, searched for one of her tits and clamped his maw around her nipple.

"WOAH woah woah! Told you not to do that!" Liz said as she pulled him off her chest and held him tightly around her arms while fixing her gaze on its drooling face, You're a pervert, if I were one myself I'd probably call you Sucker- Hey, wait a second... "You need a name" she said to no one in particular.

The baby stirred and raised its paws, like telling her he wanted to grasp her breast again as he whined.

Liz flatstared as she began to walk out and off the perimeter, "Uhm... name... name... I was never good at names..." she thought, heading for one of her favorite forests in Chika. "Uhm... what about Milk-seeker?"

The dragon in Liz's arms cocked its head innocently, not knowing what she was talking about.

"I know I know, that one was only a joke" the shinigami laughed a bit, "Uhm..." she widened her eyes upon finding one she liked. "I'll call you... Ken..." she said, smiling.

The baby newly named Ken started smiling and playfully shook his paws about.

Liz smiled even more, "I see you like it too. It was... my little brother's name... but he could never enjoy it since... he died... before he even... oh forget it" Liz said as a tear rolled down her cheek, she smiled and patted Ken. "You aren't even understanding anything I'm saying, right?" she smiled, tearing some more.

Ken however, had become aware of her crying seemingly, since he was leaning towards her with a paw upwards, trying to reach for her cheeks, which surprised Liz. It didn't last long since he dropped onto her cleavage and latched with the help of his little paw, then he clamped his maw around her other nipple to start sucking.

Since this time Liz had been startled she let out a low yelp of unsatisfaction, "H-hey! Stop that already!! Just because I got DD's doesn't mean I got milk for you!!" she shouted and it echoed through the whole forest.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I caught an Arcannar!" Jena announced "I have him in the High Security Prison up by the white tower! I don't know what else to do with him perhaps we can use him to help us." she said before pulling his paw towards the tower "Its better if you just see for yourself!"
OOC: Uhm... Shadow... not meaning to nag a lot but... I can't do much without Katt responding....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds