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Digimon Protectors
"It isn't your fault..." she said softly. that always seemed to be the thing to say in a time like this....
"No, I didn't mean that. I just was thinking we have a Gatomon here too." Daisuke apologized. He then went back to thinking about how Hikari was earlier. He spotted some flowers on a bush by the door. Might not be as neat as store bought ones but maybe they'll cheer her up. He picked a hand full of them quickly before proceeding inside.
"Hey V-mon, why don't you show Blackgatomon the food?"

"Kay!" he anwered. He turned to her.
'The foods over in the kitchan. I'll show you!" He hopped inside and into the kitchan.

Daisuke scanned the dining room from the hallway and saw that Hikari wasn't there, figuring she must have finished eating he proceeded upstairs to the rooms. He slowly walked to her room and knocked on the door.
**Primary village**

**the place was under DraculeMyotismon begins to ravage the a smal platoon of digimon try to stop him**

Meramon (3): Magma blast!!!

DraculeMyotismon gets hit with the attack....appearing to be bested by 3 the fire blazes around him...his evil eyes still an instant...the attack disperes

DraculeMyotismon: that it....?

Meramon: Keep fighting!!

DraculeMyotismon: your fight will be a tragedy...and it adds flare to a wounded heart... hmm (smirks) Grisly Storm

**a flood of digibats come at the Meramon...and it seems they like hot meals..because they were biting into the digimon.. before long...the data...the fractal code...the whole shebang..gets consumed by the bats

DraculeMyotismon: I will take my son...and you cannot stop a family's love (holds out a rose)...and for is a beautiful thing to hold.. (walks his bats delete...the meramon )


DJ (with matt, returning inside): and we are back^_^

Yukirenamon (sensing something): my partner's returned...and i can feel a little change in her

BlackGatomon (tummy growling; following): wait up^^

kari was in bed....deep in thought...she was finished showering moments she was thinking about Tk...and what he said...and how her feelings for him...grew...**

Kari (thinking): I know i shouldn't even think about it...because .... i dunno if i'm ready for such a relationship...

Dark kari: if you're gonna doubt yourself...i'm gonna do something about it...and maybe have some fun to

kari: no no...not you again--

**hears a knocking**

Kari: Someone's hear--

Dark Kari: Relax...i'll see to it..

**breaking from Kari's body...a digi replication...the inner dark inside on a physical plane...the real kari passes out...looking pale..and lifeless**

Dark Kari (nude): i'll be back...don't worry (covers her other self up in the covers; goes to see the knocking) coming

kari (dark; posing as real kari, still naked..opening the door): Hello?

**GAtomon and Patamon**

Gatomon: Patamon...Patamon!!! (holds him tight)......this is it... i'm gonna....PATAMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOC: I thought the Dark Kari ceased to exist within Kari when Daemon took the darkness out of her body :?


While Davis was knocking on Kari's room, TK was already on his room laying on his bed thinking about Kari. "I really did it" he said to no one in particular. suddenly he got a bad feeling and shot up from bed. "Kari..... no it can't be......." he thought as he rushed out the room but saw Davis like a stone infront of Kari's room door and he gasped seeing Kari naked infront of Davis.

"the hell?? no it can't....." he muttered as his crest glowed. "Davis stay away from her! she is not the real Kari!" he shouted at Davis as he glared at the Dark Kari. "What did you do with the real Kari?? she never could be capable of answer the door fully naked, she is not like that!" he said not even blushing. even though she looked really hot, TK knew it wasn't the real Kari, the real Kari never could do a thing like that.

*Patamon and Gatomon*

Patamon humped her harder as he couldn't hold it anymore. "GATOMON!!!!!!" he moaned louder as he cummed hard filling her womb with a huge load of his seed. He kissed her deeply and passionately holding her close as he kept releasing her sperm in her womb.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
When Daisuke saw the door opening he held out the flowers.
"You you Hikari-ch...urrrr" He dropped his jaw as his eyes fell onto her bare body. He looked at her chest for a few seconds then scanned lower to her womenhood then back.
'Umm....Hikari..." he trailed off. He vaugely heard someone yelling to him from behind but he really didn't register who it was or what it said.


Lord Patamon- I'm guessing Dagomon only took some of Dark Hikari's energy, thus she just had reenergize. They needed it to revive Osamu\Sam for some reason.

xvdjdamienstryker- Please don't forget about V-mon and Blackgatomon.)

Oh and does anyone want to play Ken? I may if no one else does just because his brother is in the story line now. Would be kind of akward for him to be missing.)

makes sense your theory Gogglehead. guess we have to wait for xvdjdamienstryker to come and see if is right or not :P

TK grabbed Davis and shook him to snap him out the trance. "Davis wake up! is Kari we're talking about, you think she will answer the door while wearing no clothes?" he said trying to make him reason.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Daisuke felt himself being shacked but still wasn't able to take his eyes off of the nude Hikari before him. He didn't queit understand, she clearky looked like Hikari. But he found himself speechless and unable to respond as his heart raced faster.
TK just sighed. "you're a lost cause Davis" he said and then he glared at Dark Kari. "You better tell me where is the real Kari before I forget that I'm a gentleman!" he demanded
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Peter stood, deep within his own thoughts. Saph grinned at him slyly from behind "Hrrmmm... I just had an idea..."

"What?" He looked round in time for her to pounce on him "Saph!"

"Hehe!" She giggled, teleporting the both of them before they even hit the ground.
"Oooo...Kay then..." Renamon blinked at Saph and Peters sudden departure. She spotted V-mon and BlackGatomon, and walked over to them. "Hi again!" Renamon said.