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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
((Alex's house? I think you mean Fin's, Silver))

Hunter separated them, and suddenly pulled Rei into a kiss, and pushed the queen down so she was staring at his crouch, seeing his erect dick, and knowing what he needed. "Tell your fiance who you love," he whispered, his hands rubbing Rei's breasts.
(I think you mean Gin, lol)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"If you don't shut up and heal their minds you'll be sporting a much bigger hole." Gin threatened as he dropped her "And don't give me any crap either! I know how skilled you are."

Th queen set to works swallow her masters cock hungerly while Rei turned a cold look to her fomer fiance "It's over now, I love master Hunter not you."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Heal what? That elf you broke?!" Trish yelled, backing up blindly until she manged to reach a corner and stayed there. "Fine! Fine! But it wont be cheap, and I cant promise it will work...and I need my charm or I cant see!" She screamed back, hugging herself tightly as she stayed in her spot, looking around blindly at shifting shadows and blackness.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Good slut. Now get down and join your slut of a mother in sucking and licking my cock," Hunter ordered, slapping her ass.
"Yes master!" Rei purred as she joine her mother, happily licking the huge whenever her mother releasd it from her throat.

"You better hope it works." Gin growled menacingy as heisapeared returning shortl to hand Trish her charm "No pay until the job is done."
Lady Devimon's Minions
Trish blindly snatched at the air, finally taking back her charm and sighing as her sight was restored. "Fine, show me the elf." She grumbled, getting up and blushing a bit since she knew she was still only in a nearly see through night gown and panties. they found a naked and shivering Sarah curled up and sleeping on the bed, clearly cold. Trish made a sour look and looked at Gin. "I cant do this. I have changed my mind. I might be a cheap bitch sometimes but Im not a cruel person, she has already suffered so much, and look at her! You havent even clothes her, she is wet, waiting like a dog on your this what turns you on? Do you want me to heal her so you can hear her scream again and again until she breaks? Your a sick fuck! Let me out of here before I...Before I do something!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter moaned as the two licked his dick, and he moved his fingers through their hair before suddenly unleashing a wave of his cum on to their faces, and into their mouths. "Let me see you two kiss and exchange my cum."
Rei and the queen happily did as they were told, passionatly kissing and moaning as they tasted the mix of thier mouths and Hunters cum.

This sight makes me want puke if I was capable of it, I can't stand seeing such a sight...After you hal her she's your responsiblility..."Gin said as he grabbed Trish and draged her to his broken elf "After all...none of this would have happened ifnotfor your family."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"My family?!" Trish said, trying to shake him off. "And what do you mean my responsibility! Get off!" As the bickered, Sarah woke up and timidly scooted back. " I in trouble?" She asked Gin, looking scared, though it was hard to tell now since she always looked scared. Her demeanor resembled that of a dog that had been hit and beat in submission, its tail between its legs, its head low to the ground.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)