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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
Sarah curled up into a ball and shook for a few moments, trying to gather the will to move. She was thankful, oh so thankful, for the fruit she was about to receive. It seemed like an oasis of joy in the middle of a barren wasteland of sorrow and servitude. She knew she would have to thank her master adequately or risk cruel correction. Slowly she rose to all fours and crawled after him, keeping her head down and her fearful eyes on the floor, walking in a way that resembled an abused dog, surely if she had a tail it would be tucked firmly between her legs.

She walked up next to Gin and, taking a deep breath, laid her head softly against him, showing him her pet like affection. She hoped he would take it for what it was, take it as her submitting and being a good pet. But still she would not complain if he struck her hard and repeatedly since she had touched him without permission. Her mind was in more pieces then a Ming vase shot out of a cannon and even Iris, whose whole existence revolved around him, seemed much freer in comparison to what Sarah had become. If Gin wanted to help her then he would need help correcting his mistakes and put the pieces back together, but even as a ghost he did not have the ability to go into her head and fix her scrambled thoughts.

And so Sarah sat there doggy style, waiting for a fruit or a fist to descend upon her frail form. She tilted her head up slightly, daring to look at him a little with her once verdant yellow eyes, now darker and less alive, almost listless, fear of pain replacing what was once a joy for life. Her long blue hair, once smooth and silky, was now tangled and sweaty, dirty from the lack of a shower and all the things she had been forced to do. She was almost a completely different person now and was so fearful of Gin that even when he moved his foot, or toes, she would flinch back and whimper, closing her eyes and awaiting punishment, even if there was no reason for it, for that was her lot in life now, Gin had seen to that.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
When the two were done, hunter gave them both a dress to wear and admired them. He kissed them both and said, "I've taken the job of getting everyone to your throne room. We'll go there, and you to will admit your feelings of one another. You'll save you've always loved one another, and wanted to fuck one another forever. Then you'll say, you also love me. And you'll insult and say your past lovers were too small dicked for you, understand ladies? Any questions?"
The to kept at it for a for more minutes before finally nodding and getting dressd, ready to follow Hunter to the throne room.

Gin sighed at her behavoir and handed her a big bowl of various fruits "After you finish eating I want you to take a shower, I'll be out for a while on important business, okay?"
Lady Devimon's Minions
Sarah nodded and timidly took her bowl and ate it slowly, savoring the fruits as best she could. She licked the bowl afterward and when Gin left her alone she crawled around until she found the bathroom. Once there she sat in the tub and turned the water on, showering as best she could, fixing her hair so that it was not a matted mess and finally cleaning all her most...intimate area's. She then stepped out and dried herself a little bit before walking out and sitting on the bed like a good pet, naked and with nothing else to do. She curled up and lay there, waiting for her master to return from whatever business he had. If he never came back, she would starve to death on the bed, waiting there, fearing Gin more than starvation.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
A few minutes later, Hunter had lead the Queen and Princess to the throne room, and before them all were there many servants, helpers, and finally, Rei's soon to be husband and the King, Rei's father. He led the two girls to their thrones and he looked at the people as they stared at him and their Princess and Queen. "Tell them, ladies."
They both nodded and began to make a speach about the lust and love they harbored for each other, how the king and Rei's fiance were far from enough to satisfy them, and how they loved Hunter and would be handing the kingdom to him as proof, after he hainished he kingdom was in utter shock, unable to say a thing at what they women had said.

"I need you to heal their mind!" Gin sid as he reentered the phsycics home.
Lady Devimon's Minions
(not much for me eh?)

Trish was in her bed when Gin appeared again, sleeping soundly in her nearly see through night gown. When Gin came in yelling about something she screamed and pulled her covers up. "What the hell are you doing here!? Get out Get out!" She screamed as she realized who it was.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Now kiss each other," Hunter ordered, his hands moving down to squeeze and rub their asses. "Make it hot and passionate, and show them how slutty you two are."
hey both moand happily as they ben kissing, they were nothing but howet tongues and mouths in action causing man people te turned on dispite themselves.

"I'm not going anywhere until you help fix their minds!" Gin said as he grabbed her and returned to his home.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Trish screamed as she was grabbed and pulled from her bed and taken from the apartment, not having time to grab her trinket. "Wait! I cant see!" She screamed as she was dropped blind into Gin's house. She hugged herself, hardly able to hide her breasts which were easily visible past her nightgown and pressed her legs together to hide her panties and the intimate area they covered. "Send me back you hole filled ass!" She screamed, outraged with the kidnapping, though she was much more afraid now that she could not see anything and had not power.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)