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Digimon Protectors
Renamon poked Saph.
"Stop playing dumb," she told her.
"Aww! But it's fun!" Saph giggled, hunching away ticklishly.
**Evil Side**
Daemon: the Reason for Myotismon is for the Master's only reason... That is why we were brought into the world of Darkness..he's gathering us for a i believe Myotismon will serve our cause....yes he was beaten...but that will soon change....because by his will..and to atone for his failure...he will get something he never had before....

**The eyes in the Sky..look they glow bright....a metalish..claw comes down...when it opened up.....a human appeared...though a little unconscious...something about him looked a little familar..**

Daemon: Behold, Myotismon's atonement...his own human partner...and our pawn to use in the grand scheme of things

**Good side~**

Takato: right now i don't feel so Talky

Guilmon: Well i do! Takato you act like this too much...D-Reaper beat

Takato; I know...but.... i need to be alone (storms away)

Guilmon: I bet he wouldn't be so that with Jeri....

**Takato runs off past Rika and he looks for an exit....**

Kari: Jeri? who's Jeri, Guilmon

Guilmon: someone close to Takato...Makes him turn me^_^


BlackGatomon (giggles): you're both so silly^^.. BlackGatomon is who i am. BLackGatomon is who i be. A spontanous Digimon full of Energy. A Poet and didn't know it ~_^ (suddenly shivers) brrrrr.. < something's not feeling right... i can feel it > Veemon i will take you up on going inside...feels chilly^^()

**Gatomon and patamon**

Gatomon returns his kiss with her own....she moans into his mouth...feeling his dick inot her snatch...her own tail wraps around his she begins to move with him...her pussy tightens around his digihood**

Gatomon: Nya....Big things to come in small packages (hugs him tight) I love you, Patamon ^^
**Evil Side**
Daemon: the Reason for Myotismon is for the Master's only reason... That is why we were brought into the world of Darkness..he's gathering us for a i believe Myotismon will serve our cause....yes he was beaten...but that will soon change....because by his will..and to atone for his failure...he will get something he never had before....

**The eyes in the Sky..look they glow bright....a metalish..claw comes down...when it opened up.....a human appeared...though a little unconscious...something about him looked a little familar..**

Daemon: Behold, Myotismon's atonement...his own human partner...and our pawn to use in the grand scheme of things

**Good side~**

Takato: right now i don't feel so Talky

Guilmon: Well i do! Takato you act like this too much...D-Reaper beat

Takato; I know...but.... i need to be alone (storms away)

Guilmon: I bet he wouldn't be so that with Jeri....

**Takato runs off past Rika and he looks for an exit....**

Kari: Jeri? who's Jeri, Guilmon

Guilmon: someone close to Takato...Makes him turn me^_^


BlackGatomon (giggles): you're both so silly^^.. BlackGatomon is who i am. BLackGatomon is who i be. A spontanous Digimon full of Energy. A Poet and didn't know it ~_^ (suddenly shivers) brrrrr.. < something's not feeling right... i can feel it > Veemon i will take you up on going inside...feels chilly^^()

**also outside**
DJ (looks up..still blushing a little): N-nothing wrong. Just feeling a little cold. but no big. i adapt to climates well. training in martial arts and Yoga...and even dancin will give that effect ^_^

**and so can crushing on a digidestined~_^...but we'll see if "someone" will catch on...**

**Gatomon and patamon**

Gatomon returns his kiss with her own....she moans into his mouth...feeling his dick inot her snatch...her own tail wraps around his she begins to move with him...her pussy tightens around his digihood**

Gatomon: Nya....Big things to come in small packages (hugs him tight) I love you, Patamon ^^
**Evil Side**

Suddenly and evil giggle could be heard from a corner. Red eyes glow in the darkness as that figure takes a few steps closer to them to show who she is. Lady Devimon was looking to them all with an evil grin

LadyDevimon: I wonder if this time Myotismon will fail again
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Wow you can talk cool. But just follow me." V-mon said and hopped off of the roof.

"Daisuke I met a new friend. She's Blackgatomon!"

"So that was who you were chasing after." Daisuke stated waiting to her to appear.
*evil side*

"So a human partner for Myotismon? now this certainly makes the things interesting, but why there is something familiar in that human?" Devimon asked while watching the unconsious human.

*good side*

TK saw Takato storming off and then he smiled. "I get it, Takato has feelings for Jeri but what has her to do with the D-Reaper?" he asked Guilmon.

*Patamon and Gatomon*

Patamon moaned loud as he felt her pussy tightening around his cock, he didn't wasted time and started to hump her, slowly at first but quickly increasing the speed. "so tight... nnghh...! oh Gatomon.... I... love you too" he managed to say between moans as he roamed her body hungrily as he kissed her deeper
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
**evil side**

LadyDevimon: can a human partner really change a thing around here? *she giggles in a devil tone*

**good side**

Matt: *hugs DJ closer to him* if you feel cold... I can try to make you feel a bit warmer *smiles and blushes a bit*
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
**Evil Side**

Voice: There is a reason why he's so familar...He was once among the Sam Itchijouji. but he met with an unfortunate accident...however..thanks to an anounomous ally...i have taken his soul...and reconstructed his body with Digital he is a digital humanoid...only thing is...his memory is gone..and he will be used to serve our purposes

Daemon: The Dark one speaks to us!!!

**Just who is the Dark one?**

Dj (getting hugged): ....*giggles, and hugs Matt back**

BlackGatomon (hopping on Veemon's shoulders): Your Partner? i presume


Guilmon: Well you see. D-Reaper was something to wipe out digital world and real used Jeri to do that...Takato feels bad because he couldn't stop D-Reaper..or see it sooner.. he feels all that happened was his fault. ... makes me sad. Takato needs Cheering up^___^ (sniffs around) need to get back to real world

Kari: ^^()......

Yukirenamon (to Gabumon): You have quite an apetite don't you?


**Gatomon murrs and purrs exotically...grinding herself into Patamon's Crotch...feeling him Fill her so much**

Gatomon: Pataaaamon.... (licks around his neck)
*evil side*

Devimon grinned. "the brother of the former digimon emperor isn't that so delightfully evil? it will be interesting to see Ken Ichijoji when he sees his brother back but not in a very pleasing way" he said still grinning.

*good side*

TK nodded. "he shouldn't blame himself for that, I'm sure there was no way to know that the D-Reaper would use Jeri" he said. "Though I kinda know how he feels, when Kari got dragged to the Dark Ocean the first time I felt it was my fault for not being with her all the time, I knew something was wrong with her, when I asked her, she told me but I got kinda jealous when she mentioned that she wasn't as strong as Tai or that Tai always protected her.... I snapped and told her she isn't Tai, that she has to find her own strenght, she got shocked at my outburst, I only apologized with her and left, leaving her alone, and when Gatomon told us she had desappeared....... I felt all around me crumbling, I felt so guilty" he said as he looked to other way to avoid contact eye with Kari as he was blushing.

*Gatomon and Patamon*

"Gatomooooon!! nngh!!" Patamon moaned louder feeling her pushing him deeper inside her wet pussy as he humped her deeper and harder. he fondled her breasts hungrily as he started to french her passionately. sweat running down his body.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions