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Marrying the Enemy take two (private for shadowknight)
Casey looked at his wife as he cocked his head to the side when she said lied, he could tell something was up; but not what. Yet it didn't take him long to put two and two together. He leaned in close and nuzzle her cheek affectionately to reassure her it was all okay. He ran his hand up and down her back scratching lightly. When she spoke about sleeping arrangements his blush turn crimson. The weredragon pulled away as he thought about lying to her about not wanting to have sex; but thought better of knowing that in time she would be able to tell what he was with the mental bond that weredragons had with their lovers and family they were close to."UM... yeah... I wouldn't at some point..., but to soon...," he said blushing all the more. Yes he been on a couple of dates but they were mostly because the girls had asked him instead of him asking them; because he always wanted to good student. "Also I think I would feel better in my own bed....," he said softly blushing all the more.

John looked away as he acted like he wasn't interested, to give them some privacy. "Anyway we need to get on the road soon I want to get to bed....and relax because I will be on the road a total of twelve hours when we get to the summer mansion," he explained.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Yeah, cheap motel would probably be a bit of a mood killer when it comes to, that." Katt said, letting out a soft purr from the scratching to her back. Her tail flicking around lazily as she did, "You know, you are kinda sweet. Can't deny that much, perhaps I was wrong about you two." she said glancing over towards John as well, "Doesn't mean I fully trust you yet though, so don't go cashing in any bets." She chuckled a bit as she grabbed the last slice of the anchovie, finishing it off before licking her lips, "Mmm, that hit the spot." She purred as she stretched out. She nodded a bit, "Yeah, I'm sure driving that long's gotta be boring as heck. Let's get moving then shall we?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey just let out a content sigh as he heard the tigress purring softly. When she said he was kinda sweet he just sat there day dreaming some nothing extreme just them enjoying each others company. He felt her tail just flipping around soon he entwined his larger thicker tail around hers without really thinking about it.

Johnathon chuckles some, "Don't worry we only got about three hours left on the road," he explained as he got up and stretched some. Then he made his way towards the limo. He adjusted the back seat so it would be laid down for the two if they want to get some shut eye from their long wedding day.

Meanwhile Casey looked at Katt and looked away, "Um... do you want to... you know... cuddle rest of the way once we get on the road?" he asked, his face was burning as his heart pounded within his chest.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"To be honest I'm probably gonna lay down and just fall right asleep," Katt chuckled a bit, "A good meal always knocks me right out, plus I haven't had much sleep recently." She explained, of course since felines normally slept around 18 hours a day that could mean she only got 12 hours of sleep, "So I think a good long nap's on the agenda for me once I get in there."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey nodded as he pulled the tigress close and looked into her eyes. A moment later he leaned in close wanting to give her a kiss. Just as he about made contact with her lips, a young girl giggled. The young man blushed and looked away let go of his wife. "Um... uh... l.l.lets get g.g.going," he stuttered nervously as he got out in his side of the both. As he stood up it was easy to tell what was easily on his mind since he was aroused once again. He had left his silver armband on the table. He made sure to keep his back to Katt as he left the convenience store. Once outside he ran towards the Limo and got in quickly and laid belly down. It was uncomfortable; but at least his wife wouldn't see his arousal. He shifted again trying to get comfortable; yet it was useless in this position.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Ahhh, that feels good." Katt purred as she layed down on the makeshift bed, "Might not be the most comfortable but it'll do." she chuckled a bit as she curled up slightly, almost instantly starting to purr softly in her sleep. She was only down for a minute or two before she began inching slightly closer towards Casey, nuzzling up against him as she continued to purr.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey smiled at how fast Katt had fallen asleep. Every now and then he kept on fidgeting every now and then trying to get comfortable. When the Limo made a tight turn around the mountain road, he was rolled into the side of the limo. A second later Katt was rolled next to him. He could feel her breasts against his chest. While he sniffed her fur he could tell that erections was pressing against her belly. He let out a shudder at the thought of being so close to his mate as he wrapped his arms around her.

The limo made another sharp turn that sent them rolling in the opposite direction as he rolled on top of the tigress. He gulped nervously as the leaned in close and admired her beauty. "Your gorgeous and I really like you ," he said softly, saying the words he couldn't say while she was awake. Then he kissed her on the lips softly there was more passion then when he kissed her at the alter. A moment later there was a bump in the road, his head bumped against hers. He sighed as he did his best to disentangle himself from her so she wouldn't think he was trying to force himself on if she did wake up.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt continued to purr softly, clearly being a very heavy sleeper as she barely flinched through the couple of bumps or Casey attention. She let out a soft moan as she nuzzled up against him, still purring as he kissed her. Even she couldn't sleep through a knock to the head though, "AH! What's the big," she blinked her eyes a bit as she looked up at Casey, a bit confused at first to see him lying ontop of her, then her confusion quickly turned to embarrasment as her cheeks flushed crimson, "G-get off me!" she roared, bringing one of her legs up to her chest and pushing her foot into his chest to kick him off, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" she demanded as she covered up a bit, still blushing furiously.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey was blushing already as he rolled off to the side just as Katt tried to kick him in the chest. He sat up and gripped the leather seats. The young weredragon wanted to just pounce on her and force her cuddle next to him. Instead he dug his talons deeply into the seat cushions. Then closed his eyes and started to breath in deeply as he tried to calm himself. It took him about ten minutes but he succeeded in calming himself down complete and as his body reverted back to his human form.

"We... kinda rolled...," he trailed off nervously as he took another deep breath turning crimson. "into another.... I.I.I... k.k.k.... issed you," he stuttered. Then he looked away with the way Katt was acting making feel like a total pervert. A moment later he started lose the control he had as he slipped back into his weredragon form. "I'm.... uh... sorry... I won't do it... it again...," he said softly while looking away.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt glared at him through the entire explanation, her cheeks brightening even more as he admitted to kissing her while she was asleep. She growled a bit and for a second looked like she might try to lunge at him, but simply huffed a bit and scoot to the other side of the limo, looking sideways at him, "We're sleeping in seperate rooms tonight." she said flatly.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad