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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
((Wow...I'm starting to really feeldepresse about's a shame that my good knife is stuck in the wall...))

Gin curle up beside her, now even afraid to touch her for fear that he would break her more "You know..."he started, looking at the wall as he spoke "when you said that you wanted to be my friend......I thought I felt my heart...I'm not sure though...since I never could feel it, even when I was alive..."

Rei and her mother screamed in unison, moaning and gasping in mirrored pleasure completelylostin their lusts.
Lady Devimon's Minions
(lol, I know! I feel horrible about Sarah, it hurts just to type her stuff!)

Sarah looked up at him and scooted closer until she was nuzzling his side. "Im good...good girl..." She said softly as she cuddled gently with her captor. She yawned cutely and closed her eyes, mentally exhausted from all her trials and breaking. " nice to me....Gin...I tried..." She murmured before she fell to sleep. Gin could wake her up if he wanted to, but it really seemed like Sarah needed her sleep, and bad, it could only help her ravaged mind.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Never easy is it?))

Eventually Hunter left Rei's abused and fucked body. He smiled and petted her ass, and felt her body up a bit. " about we move on to the wedding for the three of us? You will marry your mother, and I will marry you both. Also I'll be fucking you both, right in front of your people."
Rei moane and nodded,far to gone to even care any more. At least she gets to stay with her mother.

((I have a dark side, but still this is sad...))

Gin looked down sadly at the girl, he had done so much to could he undo this?
Lady Devimon's Minions
(lol, I know)

If nothing disturbed them, then Sarah would sleep for eight hours before awakening softly. She awoke to find herself laying next to the devil himself, Gin, the most evil creature she had ever met. And at the same time she found she could not hate him, simply because she was far to full of fright to have room for any other emotion. She dared not move, hardly breathed, she simply lat there, waiting for him to do something, even if he slept for another eight hours, she would stay absolutely still, but she would not fall back to sleep. Her stomach growled and she blushed and her heart quickened. She feared harsh punishment if she awoke Gin, and her growling stomach was nearly enough for her to wet herself in fright.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I've gotten that feeling before Salem. Like when Digimonartistdeomain was off, RIGHT when Silver said a girl named Serenity died in our Kingdom Defeated RP. A month later, I fond out she was alive))

"Say something," Hunter ordered, slapping her cheek lightly. "Say you won't me to show the world how much sluts you two are!"
((Wow...That's depressing, I'm trying tomke Gin a better man now...but it's rrreeeaaalllyyy hard...))

Gin had not slept a wink, mostly because the dead don't need it, and had been staring at the same spot on the floor until he heard Sarah's stomch "What is it you want to eat?" he asked quitey not wanting to scare her.

Rei gasped and did as she was told without hesitation "I want you to show us off master! Show what good sluts we are!"
Lady Devimon's Minions
(Ya, I have that affect on people, lol, I think its kinda what makes Zero have the nicest rapists around, LOL)

Sarah's body trembled as Gin spoke, and she swallowed hard as she tried to find her words. She was about to ask for a fruit, or plant of any kind, since she did not eat much meat, but then her broken and terrified mind stopped her. She could not ask for the food she wanted, not if it was not what Gin wanted. She was about to ask him what he wanted her to eat but then stopped again. What if this was a trap? A trap to make her ask him a question when he asked for an answer. He might hurt her again, might rape her again.

The thought alone made Sarah issue a small sorrowful cry that she wished she had stifled. Thinking quickly now, fright pushing her on to speak before Gin could respond to her silent mewl, she decided to ask for the only thing she could think of that was proper for a pet to eat. "D-Dog food..." she whimpered softly, hardly more then a whisper. "S-Some dog food would...m-make me not so hungry m-master." She looked up at him fearfully, seeming so small, so broken. As soon as she saw the displeasure or disappointment in Gin's eyes (assuming he does not want to feed her dog food), she closed her own eyes tightly and quickly added "Or cum, c-cum will feed me as well. Whatever master wants to feed me is fine...." She had to bite her tongue to stop herself from asking forgiveness, figuring it would only annoy him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((True, very true. Someone has to balance it out))

"Good," Alex smiled and got off her suddenly, and his troops picked up the cum covered queen. "Clean your mother with your tongue, then get some clothes on. Time to show you off to the world, you whores," he said with a strange smile.
Gin looked blankly at the wals, worried how deep the damage had become ashe stood "I'm afraid the best I have is fruit..." he said heading for the kitchen.

Rei and the queen smiled at this order as the daughter eagerly began licking all over then mothers body, bringing long loud moans from her.
Lady Devimon's Minions