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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
"We can discuss ethics later," Savior responded as the two ran after the figure, now knowing his location. Savior understood that many heroes would not approve of his actions. In fact he hoped for it. He would tell Mechus more after the defeat of this figure though.

When they reached the location, Savior listened to what the other hero and to say before nodding his head. "Very well. I agree. You will go after the villain, I shall free the girls and allow YOU to deal with their arrests. But be careful. I have a gut feeling it is not beyond possibilities that this is all a trap. He may know all of your moves as well." With that agreed upon. Savior would await for Mechaus to say anything he may have needed to say, before searching for a way into the mansion, moving with silence and hiding in the shadows.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
MEchus nodded and pulled out his tech staff and fired a large blue blast into the front door. He was meant to be a distraction while savior free the girls, and it worked. Soon Mechus was doing battle with the villain, and Savior was free to enter the mansion. Soon Savior would find himself in the basement, and he would find the girls there, all in varying degrees of torture and rape.

Navu was tied to a bade, spread eagle, her blue skin covered in purple whip marks. Strapped to her face was a leather blind fold and a Dildo gag, from which she groaned and wept softly. Her pussy was stuffed with three vibrator eggs, and her ass had a butt plug that kept the enema she had received earlier trapped inside her. To top it all off, the tortured heroine's nipples and clit were pierced with silver rings that were all tied to each other, and her body was covered in cum and sweat.

Techna was on the opposite wall, chained in an X position. Her eyes were free, but she had a gag all the same, one that held her mouth open to be face fucked, which, judging from the cum dripping from her chin, she was. Her nipples had painful weighted clamps attache to them, and her pussy was dripping with cum, both hers and that of her captor's. In her ass was a huge gray dildo with sandpaper skin.

In the next room was Kitty, tied to a chair and half naked. She had ball gag, and was still unconscious, but her breasts were exposed to the air. Next to her was a cracked and broken helmet, Skull's helmet, he would realize. There was one last room, the room where Skull was either being tortured, or stored as a corpse.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior quickly began to work on freeing each of the girls. He started with Navu, taking out the eggs and plug, before he began to try and get the gag off of her. "My name is Savior. I am here to help," he whispered. After freeing her, he ran off to Techna, letting her see him so she knew he wasn't a villain. He quickly pulled out the dildo and said, "Do not move." He then got out a small, green vial, and poured it onto the clamps, melting them enough so they fell to the ground without harming the girl.

When he was done freeing her, he walked over to Kitty, but since she wasn't being tortured, and was his enemy, he simply took out her ball gag and freed her from the chair, letting her sleep. Then he saw Skull's helmet, and then at the room where she most likely was. He quickly walked in, ready for whatever sight he would find.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Navu was far to weak to pick herself up, and Savior had to leave her on the bed. Techna, blushing but as strong willed as ever, picked up her clothing and began to redress herself, thanking savior for his efforts, and mentioning the irony of it all. Kitty simply slumped in the chair, purring as she slept. Then came Skull, the last victim.

The room was dark and hard to see in, but Savior would see someone chained up in the floor. Whoever it was, she was panting, and that was a good sign, it meant she wasnt dead. Nearing her he would find someone he never expected to see. Long green hair, pale was Silvia! No, not quite, it was her older sister, Sarah. Sarah was Skull, the villain, and suddenly it was clear why she didnt want to be seen without her helmet, it would reveal her identity, and expose her family to harm. Though still, it was confusing, she had helped Demon Flower Kidnap her sister before...all questions for later however.

Sarah was bound up tight, with ropes crisscrossing her body, sliding roughly between her ass cheeks and pussy lips, making her breasts stick out more as well. She was blindfolded and gagged, and it seemed that she had been forced to give a tit fuck earlier. She shuddered with every breath, and indeed Savior would notice that the air in this room was much much colder than outside.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior's eyes widened as he saw her and he quickly stepped out, picking up Sarah's helmet. He then walked back into the dark room and saw her. "Hello, Skull," he greeted, as began taking the gag and blindfold off. He then began to free her from the rope and once she was, he would take out his own cuffs and use them on her hands. He then placed the mask on her face, hiding her identity. "You and I are going to have a talk after this," he declared, as he tried to help clean the girl. After that, he would attempt to pick her up and carry her to the rest of the girls, so they could leave.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Skull tensed up when she heard his voice and tried to shy away from him, trying to hide her face. But it didnt help and she knew it. "D-Damn it." She groaned as he cuffed her and carried her. Techna was already gone, having recovered her weapons and gone looking for vengeance. Kitty was still sleeping, and Navu was just now starting to collect herself at all. How to proceed was up to Savior, but all these girls needed help moving, all but Skull, who wanted nothing more than to escape.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior sighed at Skull and pulled off her helmet and dropped a gas grenade, forcing her to breathe it in so she would fall asleep. Once she was, he put her helmet back on and threw her over her shoulder, then walked out and picked Kitty up, throwing her over his other shoulder. "Here," Savior mumbled, tossing a metal stick at Navu, which grew into a staff, which she could use to help walk. "We need to leave and you and these two somewhere safe."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"J-Just get me to a lake..." Navu gasped as she took the stick and attempted to walk. It would not take too long for her to reach a lake out behind the mansion, and would disappear into it. Kitty and Skull were now in his possession, while the battle raged not to far away. Savior needed to get them to safety ASAP.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Once Navu had reached the lake he thought about Kitty and Skull. On one hand, he couldn't bring them to his base, he made a promise. Police station was possible, but what about Skull's family? What would they say? He could simply leave them in a hiding spot, hoping they would not be found.

In the end, he placed the two near the lake Navu entered. He hid the two in a bush, cuffing their feet for safe keeping, before he ran off to try and help the other heroes stop the kidnapper.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
By the time Savior arrived the battle was over. Mechus and Techna were both nursing new wounds, but both of them at the same time had overcome the villain, but not enough to capture him. In a flash and puff of smoke, the strange being was gone. Savior saw all this from his hiding place, allowing him to move or leave without them knowing. Mechus already had a problem with him, and the fact that this new villain was using his techniques was not going to help, and Techna was known to be violent and overbearing, and after her recent ordeal, she may freak at the sight of what she may consider to be another rapist.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)