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Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver)
Nico suddenly felt a soft breath and saw Alex's chest rise up, and down. His eyes slowly opened and he looked up at Nico. "N-Nico...W-what happened? Where am-" the young boy was cut off as he felt a rush of memroies hit him. He had raped his own mother, tortured poor Nico, and done so many bad things...And Evil Alex still lived. He was merely sleeping inside of him..."Nico...What have I done?" the boy cried. "W-where is Asuna?"
Amy groaned on the ground, still out cold and naked.


Asuna finally collapsed in the park beneath a tree. She cried hard and hugged herself as she tried to keep warm in the cold as the sun began to go down. She hated this, and she knew that there was nothing she could do about it. She was trapped in another dimension, had been raped and even killed someone. And now she was homeless, cold and alone. Things could hardly get any worse, or at least that was what she thought until the first raindrop hit her nose.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
" wasn't ran off, I don't know where she went..." Nico whispered, her voice too choked with tears to speak any louder "Alex...what will we do?"
Lady Devimon's Minions
"We have to find her," Alex groaned. "If she's hurt, or worst....I don't want to be responsible for that," he said, standing up. He then looked at his mother and looked away. "I'm sorry, mom," he whispered, before leaving to get dressed. "Get changed outside, Nico. We have to find her," he said, and rubbed his head and ran to his room to change.
Asuna ran through the pouring rain, looking blindly for some kind of shelter. But she was grief and horror stricken and did not know her way around this place. She was lost in so many ways. Finally, she fell to the ground in hopelessness, the hardness of the concrete beneath her complementing how the world was treating her. Her tears mixed with the rain and blurred her vision, but that was OK since it was not likely that she would see the lights in the heavy rain, or move fast enough when the car horn blared out at her seconds before her world went dark.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Nco nodded and got dressed, heading out and looking where ever she could even using her powers to cover more ground 'Where could she be?' she thought desperatly before hearing a blaring horn and screeching tires that for some reason made her blood run cold.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Alex left with Nico and the two search high and low. Alex had began to lose hope, when suddenly they both heard a car horn and the noise of sreeching tires. "Nico, come on!" the boy yelled, running towards the source of the two noises. Please don't be Asuna, please don't be Asuna, please don't be Asuna! he begged to whatever deity there was.
Alex's prayers went unanswered. There in the middle of the road was Asuna. She was left in a limp heap on the ground, the car having driven off by now. She was bleeding from her mouth as well as from several cuts and scrapes. The rain poured over her like a crushing waterfall, only making the situation worse.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Nico! Go get help! Call an ambulence or something!" Alex ordered as he ran over to Asuna. "Asuna! Asuna wake up! Please, Asuna, wake up!" he begged, afraid to touch her. All he could do was stop the rain from hitting her, his body acting as a shield. He quickly took off his coat, and laid it on top of her, trying to keep her warm. "Asuna, wake up!" he begged. "Please, don't die! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for he did! I don;t hate you for what you did, please, wake up!"
Nico rushed off unsure who to call, thankfully she had seen a hospital while she was searching and quickly made her way in "Please someone help! Someone's been hurt! I need a doctor!" she yelled when she entered, drawing everyones atention and managing to get an ambulance.
Lady Devimon's Minions