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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
With that, Alex flooded Rei with his cum and he slapped her ass and ordered the others off the Queen. "Look, Queen. She's just like you. A dirty little slut," he smiled, helping Rei up as his hands traveled around her body, feeling her up.
Rei wa trapped in pleasure and could only moan, as the queen grinned at her "I did raise such a good lttle girldidn't I?"

"I'll never hurt you or Iris..." Gin said as he timidly stood her up and looked her in the eyes "But I don't want you to hurt her either."
Lady Devimon's Minions
Sarah's legs would not support her as he tried to stand her up and the only thing that kept her up was her tight grip on him as she continued to bury her face into his chest. "I...I wont hurt anyone...Im a good girl, please master..please dont hurt your good girl. Bad thing dont happen to good girl." She said, repeating what her mother had always told her, what had made her into such a kind person, such a weak person. "Im a good good g-girl."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Sorry for not posting! (Bows))

"Yes. She'll make an excellent slut," Hunter grinned. he moved behind her and rubbed his erect cock against her asshole, before slapping her ass and pushing his dick in, his hands holding her breasts and squeezing them as he ass fucked her.
Rei only moaned, to sore and lost to car wther she felt pain or pleasue, as long a she felt.

"Sarah...your not my pet...your free to live as you please" Gin said wrapping her in a blanket and trying to comfort her in anway he could.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Sarah shook her head and hugged the blanket tightly around her. She was such a desolate, miserable creature now, Gin could easily see why she had made Iris to help cope. She was entirely broken down, her frail psyche was unable to bear the strain of being captured, raped and then subdued all at once and now this was what was left of her. She would likely do whatever he told her to, whether that was go back home or what have you, but she was likely to just on her kitchen floor until the police came to evict her for not paying the rent or died of starvation or dehydration.

"I-Im good...good girl..." she moaned, trembling hard, her mind completely mixed, hardly functioning at all. One day she may heal, but there was no way Gin was going to fix her all at once. He had inflicted this damage, it was only right that he fix it, or at least kill her quickly instead of having her starve to death. Or he could always take her up on her pleadings and assume his place as master an treat her like a pet, just as he had broken her to behave.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Answer me, Rei! Who is your Master?" he yelled, fucking her ass. "Who is your Master? Beg for his cum, beg for him to fuck you harder and cum right into your sexy ass!" Hunter moaned, fucking her harder.
Gin stared heart broken at the once angelic elf "Would...would you lke to go back to sleep?"
"Your are! I want your cum mater! Fuck me harder!" Rei begged broken by lust.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Sarah looked at him with tears in her eyes and did not answer. She did not want to go to sleep, not forever, not like this...but at the same time she hurt so much that another part of her did, wanted her to fall into dreamless sleep were her pain would be frozen, not getting any weaker, but at least not getting stronger. She trembled some more and hugged the blanket even harder. "W-Want friend...make friends..." She whimpered softly, laying down on her side, her eyes closing slowly. " did not...did not want hurting...just...petting..."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter moaned and shot his cum into her ass, and pulled out and smiled. "We're not done yet," he said and flipped her over. "Like mother, like daughter!" he yelled, before slamming his cock into her pussy and began to unmercifully fuck her, as his troops fucked Rei's mom.