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Digimon Protectors
V-mon shook her hand happily. While looking into her eyes. She felt kind of warm and comfortable.

\"So why were you watch\'in us? Where you just curios? I can meet you with the others if ya want. \" V-mon suggested releasing her hand. He put his hand on her shoulder to try and guide her to the edge of the roof so she could see the ones that outside.
"I'll go see!" Saph giggled at Renamon and instantly teleported off in search of Veemon.

Peter sighed in relief "Geez..." Good thing she's not in heat... she's uncontrollable then... "Anyway, what happened to the D-Reaper here? In my reality, it was tracked down and destroyed for good."
"Well... I'm not exactly sure what happened to it... What I think happened was that it got defeated, and then released as a harmless virus... I think..." Rika said slowly. Renamon nodded in agreement.

DJ: I'm here for you matt. and would like to be^^


Takato (overhears about the talk about the D-Reaper):.......
**Still bittered by that long fight with it...starts to walk away as well...wanting no part of the D-Reaper...**

BlackGatomon: What, A black cat isn't entitled to be curious. I have my reasons...all which will appear in due time^^ < and hopefully away from them....i got a nice gig as this digimon and i'm never going back >

Kari: hmm? Hey something's up with Takato (walks off)

Guilmon: Takato?

**Gatomon and Patamon**

Gatomon: mm Gah! Patamon. I -- NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! (splashes patamon with her cream)

"yeah" TK said as he followed Kari. "maybe we can talk with him and see whats wrong" he said as he walked besides Kari.

*Patamon and Gatomon*

Patamon got splashed with Gatomon's cream and started to lick it of enjoying the taste and then he licked her pussy clean. He looked up at her and smiled as he licked his lips.

"Tasty" he said with a grin as he slowly crawled on top of her and kissed her passionately. His erect cock resting over her pussy while his paws toyed with her nipples gently just wanting to make her feel good.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
*outside the hotel*

Matt: you know DJ.... you are really a nice buddy. *chuckles* I feel fine by staying by your side, you know
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
V-mon\'s face softened to a state of mild confusion hearing that.
\"Your not? Oh, well what do you do for fun?\" V-mon asked holding a finger to his mouth while thinking of what she might say.
"Good to hear." Peter nodded, folding his arms behind his head.

Without any warning, Saph materialised next to V-mon "There you are!" She giggled at him.
\"Wahh!\" V-mon yelled shock as Saph appeared. He jumped back a few feet expecting the worst.
"^_^ Hehe, just checking where you went!" Saph giggled again before noticing BlackGatomon "Hi!" She waved with yet another giggle.