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STR8, YAOI, YURI, BI- pure, to-the-point sex RPG!!!
Mar smiled to Rei ''Hey! there you are! I've been looking for you aswell!'' He says as Rei came, but then turned to Katt and pulled her by one arm, then stared on her eyes ''YOU are thirty years old? huh? but you look like sixteen!'' He says while perking his furry ears around, he still didn't notice he was holding her arm.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"no- I meant someone I know..." Grey said. Then he picked up a phone and dialled a number.



-Yeah, it's Grey.

-No, I'm fine- can I ask you something?

-you sure you're not busy?

-okay, find him at (whispers) his name is mar.

-Thanks pal. Bye.


"he's going." Grey said, resting his head back on his arms.

at the village.

A pale good looking guy with platinum hair, a black trench coat and gloves appeared in the village.

"Excuse me." He tapped mar on the Shoulder. "Are you Mar?" he asked.
As he hears his name, he lets Katt go and looked back as he perks his ears up, he simply looks on the guy and smiles, then nods ''It's me!'' He says with a cheerful expression on his face, his tails wagging around happily.

OOC: DMX digivolves to.... Romp Stompin' Bitch Catcher rank!

1500 posts reached! yay!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
ooc: congratz... you evolved faster than me!

ic: "okay, I'm Grey's friend. and Your temporary escort." he replied. "My name is Victor."
OOC: hehe, thankies :3

IC: And Mar just nodded to Victor ''Alright, my name is... wait... you know it already'' He says as he sticked out his tongue and banged on his own head softly ''...anyways, what's an escort?'' He asks, showing not too much knowledge about that he was there to accompany Mar.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"An escort is nothing, I'm just here to watch you. In case something happens, I can help out." he said tonelessly.
''oh! Great, thank you then'' He says while smiling and stretching his right paw to finally greet him as he swishes his tails around.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"No problem, I am honored that-" He was saying- when he was suddenly tackled by three tiger girls.
Mar, not being able to control himself at violent movements or frisky girls, he just jumped on Victor and the girls ''Wrestle!'' He cheered and started to wrestle with the three girls at the same time.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"This always happens..." Victor said, standing up effortlessl, the girls hanging on him like keychains. "Mar- you should go do what you came here to do..." Victor said, playing with the girls.