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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
cronos frowns and takes a step closer and held out his palm, making a light.
Veemon's Followers
Cerberus trotted nearer, right beside Seit, and placed a paw gently on his shoulder. "Let's start with your brothers."
" know Geon.....i forgave him for motives for Forgiving him may be wrong......but i didnt care...i wanted to bring back the most feared and hated force on the earth.....the Chaos Brothers."

Seit got a bit of a grin on his face as he told the story.

"we where....the most Feared....back then atleast....i dont know....whats happened to us.....all i know that....bringin them back..might have been a big evil....really.....i dont want to...fight keres either.....what do i want to do.....i have screwed my life up pretty unlife..."
OOC: "Gaurdians" would be the best title.

IC: Keres looks at Seit angrily before he signalled Blaize that they were leaving. "Let's go Blaize! I never wanna see Seit's building, or his face ever again."

OOC: *sweatdrop* *sweatdrop* Wow... :? Hehehe lol This is the quickest time I got someone to be my enemy in an RP.
"Yes... Keres." Blazie ran to him, and they teleported somewhere else in a burst of flames.


"I see. You were... a gang?" Cerberus asked Seit.
Seit laughed at going back to the memorys.

"yeah.....we went out....and just randomly....slaughtered the masses...where we could find humans....they bliss...pure bliss.....i loved it....i lived the thought of ending lifes....but...there was always the thing in the back of my head that...made me ask myself...why do i like it...i didnt have an answer...we kept killing and..raping....and burning...until......Grim's brother...Legion...came along and pulled Grim out of the group...leaving me,Geon and Helloct...they soon came back to challange us....being mind benders they took us out easly....from there....Helloct disappeared....then me and Geon had our little bouts....then......we just....drifted apart....for years....and until i met you...we never spoke....never even seen each other....then he came back..offering me to "dich" you guys...with a plot to set up feud between them....when i saw Legion with him i was a bit shocked...but we talked it over....and put on the fake show...and here we are..."

Seit's Painted face looked directly into Cerberus and just stared.

".....the only flaw.....was you...our plan was not only to dich you....but kill you and the others as well....i became attached to i talked them out of it....because...i wanted something to remind me of my innocence.....the days without Geon and the Chaos brothers where the best to me.....i did not go and kill....i went out...and made...friends...with the Towns was like i was happy i was alive...i made sure a left every place with a piece of them with my....rather it be the Trinkets they gave me....or something to learn.....the smiles on the Childern's faces.....the smiles of the towns people.....made me happy...they answered my question...but in a different way....i wasnt happy with....killing....i was more happy...making friends.....i dont want this"
seit got up and tossed his Chaos Brothers Trench coat off.

"...Cain....are you there?"

a crow flys down on Seit's Shoulder.

Cain:"what is it man?"

Seit:" dont witht he Chaos Brothers......for good this nice enough to give me my old trench coat back."

Cain:*almost in tears*"oh..seit...thank god...anything pal...anything..."

Seits old Trench coat appeared onto Seit,making a smile apear upon his Face.

Seit:"and can hang with us now.."

Cain:"...i will..."*using his wing to whipe away some of the tears.*
Cerberus smiled, and leaned his head on Seit's side. "Mission... Complete..." he said. "I'll tell the Guardians they don't need to worry much- I'll follow you... I'll fight with you- I'll be your friend." He said. "Where to- friend?"
Seit smiled softly at Cerberus,something he hasnt done in a long time.

"..well...i need to gain Keres's Trust back....we are gonna need brothers are not going to take to kindly to me just quiting like this....lets go,man....and nice..."

Cain:"ok ok...fine fine..."
"Leave that to me... Blaize idolizes me... and since he's Keres's guardian... it wont be to hard." Cerberus said.
seit looked at him and nodded his head.

"we need to gain Keres's ill come with...Cain...again Be nice."

Cain:"'ve nailed into my skull."

"well making just making sure you dont get us in trouble"

Seit looks into Cain's eyes,making cain blush a bit,bu he trys to hide it.

Cain:"o..o..ok seit..."

"something wrong?"
