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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
((...You know this serious moment was just ruined by that little video))

Savior's eyes widened in surprised, but he quickly returned to his calm state. How did he do that!? he wondered. Focus! he ordered himself. He then went next and opened fire with both stun guns, trying to shoot the man. If he dodged, which Savior believed most likely, he would press a secret button on the side of one and throw it at his feet. The gun would shake, clatter, and hum, before suddenly exploding. It wasn't a big explosion, but strong enough to stun a normal person with the blast and loud ringing it created in their ears.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The man did not dodge, in fact he continued to mock Savior's movements and by pointing his finger guns back at him and moving exactly the same. When Savior fired, so did he, the tips of his clawed fingers shooting off like the stun guns. The effects of this were simple and devastating. The claws connected with the stun shots halfway through, stopping them from reaching him, and arcing out their own powerful electricity, which shot back through the cables and into Savior's guns and bodies, which felt as though he had shot himself in the hands. To add to his troubles, one of his guns exploded right then and there, knocking him back and stunning him further.

(one more post and Im off to bed)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior was thrown back a bit by the explosion and growled in pain of his own weaponry. His hands shook and he tried to make reason appear in his mind. With a surprising quickness, at least compared to a normal human, he rose up.

He was shaking though, and obviously seemed injured by the counter. He pressed a s secret button his left gauntlet and suddenly a metal shield popped out of it, while his other hand reached into his belt to take out flashbang grenades. In one quick motion, if the figure was still far away, he threw the flashbangs at him and hid behind his shield, closing his eyes and covering one ear.

There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The flash bang flew through the air and went off, making a loud sound and a blinding flash. But when Savior was able to look out from behind his shield, he would find the strange man was not only hiding behind his own, glowing, ethereal shield, but that he was much closer. He pointed at Kitty and she flew up into the air and into his waiting arms. He made a movement, like tipping his hat, and then jumped impossibly high, landing on the roof. It was not to late to catch him, but if he got away now he would get Kitty as well.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior was amazed by what he had just saw, before he shook his head and shot a line out of his other arm, zipping up and onto the building, chasing after the man. It was like he had every weapon, move, and gadget he did, but better. Savior reached into his belt and pulled out a bolas, swinging and throwing it at the figure, trying to get his leg. If that wasn't enough, he shot the shield at him, and it spun at the figure. The shield had blunt edges, ensuring it wouldn't kill him, but it would leave some nasty bruises. If none of that worked, he'd just keep chasing him, using any other gadget he had.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The man jumped up high and avoided the bolas, and threw his own shield back to block the oncoming shield. But out of the corner of his eye, Savior would see a small red dot fly quickly across from another building and hit Kitty's kidnapper. But he did not seem to notice or react to whatever it was. Instead he just kept running until finally it seemed that Savior would catch him at the edge of a building that ended at an intersection, a jump to far to make, at least by Savior. But the man was not bound by the same rules and easily leaped the entire distance in a single movement, leaving Savior behind. Given time, Savior could get around it or use his grappling hook to swing across and through dangerous traffic, but by then the man would already have to much of a head start, and he would know it.

But just as it seemed that Savior had lost him, a familiar face, luckily one that wasnt hostile, appeared before him. Mechus ( ) Climbed up the side of the building he was standing on using his robotic limbs. "Savior." He greeted. "Looks like we are after the same target. I owe you thanks. Because of you, I was able to get a tracking beacon on him. We can follow him to where he is hiding...and where he is keeping his hostages.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(Sorry, thing was giving me trouble. should be OK now, read above)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior chased after the man, noticing the red dot, but returning his focus on the kidnapper. He suddenly stopped though as he saw the man jump an inhuman distance and he was left on the other building. He was about to shoot a grapple hook, when he heard a voice. He saw Mechus and listened to him, before nodding his head. "Lead the way there," his grim voice mumbled. On the way there, he would also ask, "What do you know about this being?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Next to nothing." Mechus said as he followed his tracer. "He recently emerged, thats all I know, and he follows all the same tactics as you do when you...capture your prey." Although Savior could not see his eyes beneath his visor, he would feel that Mechus was not a fan of his work. "To tell you the truth, I was coming down here to put you down, thought you had gone rogue, but then he showed up and it all made sense."

It would be a good ten minutes before they chased him down to an old mansion at the edge of town. "Figures he would be here." Mechus said. "OK, what do you want? You can free the captives, or tackle the bad guy. Im good with either...but since he seems to know all your tricks, it might be better if I handle him. But if I do, you have to swear to free those women, not capture them yourself. Do you understand me?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)