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Digimon Protectors
**the Black cat Digimon was hiding somewhere on the she got a peek of Veemon who tailed after her...She was in the shadows..blending into the dark corner**

Takato: we may not have crests...but we do have the abilityt to Digivolve our Digimon

Guilmon: what's a crest?

Takato:....@_@ you have MUCH to learn, Guilmon

**Gatomon and Patamon**
Gatomon: nyaaaaaaaoooooo..... you're being a tease (Pets him with her tail) Patamon (Blushes wildly..smiling to him)
OOC: I'm sorry i think i need to recheck the posting...^^()i missed it by mistake in making the reply
V-mon glanced around the roof top and frowned when he didn\'t see anyone.

\"V-mon! Why are you up there!?\" Daisuke called from below.

\"I saw someone!\" V-mon explained turning his head back. He took a few steps forward.

\"You can come out. We won\'t hurt you.\" V-mon urged while glaning around.
"... funny..." Peter suddenly grinned "I have a crest... and I can get Saph to Digivolve... So what does that make me?"
**A small giggle comes from the a black fur version of gatomon comes out**

BlackGatomon: Well so much for the spy game^^()


Guilmon: What is a Crest?! Please tell me^^

**Dj who sees Matt go....even though just knowing him...goes after him to see if he's okay...

TK laughed a bit. "you two sure are quite a pair Takato" he said as he took a sip of his drink

*Gatomon and Patamon*

Patamon stopped and licked his lips. "really tasty" he said grinning and then he went back to work licking her pussy lips and clit as his wings played with her breasts rubbing them all over
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Peter laughed at Takato's comment "I suppose so!"
V-mon was a bit shocked when he saw the Blackgatomon appear. He blinked and kept looking for a second.
\"Why where you watching us? Do you have a partner? Is that why your here?\" V-mon kept asking.

There is someone up there. Daisuke thought hearing her voice.
Rika stared at Peter.
"I never herd of anyone having both..." Renamon said.
"Niether," Rika said. "Peter just continues to amaze me..." Renamon nodded in agreement.
Peter scratched the back of his head while blushing "It's not one you'll have heard of though."

Saph phased in beside Renamon with a giggle "Our one is 'Soul'! I think..." She looked to him for confirmation.

"Yeah, that's it!" He grinned.