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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
Hunter growled and slapped her ass painfully. "Look at your own mother. See how she begs and sucks cocks? She loves being a whore," he whispered. "She has promised to marry my entire army, and she will act as my army's whore. You will be my personal slut. Your mother is the one who suggested it."
Rei's spirit broke at Hunter's words, her own mother had traded her away to this man. She stopped resisting Hunter and did nothing, maybe that would be enough for him.

Gin stopped pacing and rushed to Iris hugging her close before nodding to Trish "...Kurome..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hunter pulled her close and into a bruising kiss. His hands groped and massaged her breasts and ass, and he rubbed his knee against her pussy, doing many things to please her, all while his tongue explode and tasted her mouth.
Iris hugged her master back of course but suddenly went rigid when the word was spoken, and a few seconds after that went limp in his arms. For a moment it looked as though she had died or been knocked out, but then a small, pained groan escaped her lips and her eyes slowly opened. These eyes were new eyes, same color and shape, but Gin would see the difference. "Where...Where am I?" She asked timidly, still in Gin's arms. Suddenly her eyes landed on his face and she paled. "N-No...Stop!" She screamed suddenly, trying to pull away from him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Calm down! I'm not going to hurt you! I swear it!" Gin said as he released her.

Rei continued not fighting back, but at the same time barely reacted to Hunter, standing motionless as he violated her, it was her last show of resistance.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Sarah fell then and landed on her butt, looking up at Gin with eyes filled with complete and utter fear. She then curled into a ball with her hands over her head and began to cry softly. "St-Stop...please...Im-Im not a...a pet..." She began to shake with sobs as all the pain returned to her, the horrible fear, and the trauma of rape, it would not be easy for her to get over. Trish looked down sadly at the girl and shoo her head. "Poor dear...." She whispered.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Talk whore!" Hunter ordered, slapping her ass. He then began fingering her asshole with three fingers as he used his other hand to slap her ass.
Gin looked heartbroken at what he'd done, sitting done and closing his eyes he sighed "there's no punishment great enough for what I've done to her..."

Rei shrieked at the pain in her ass, she continued desperately to try and resist reacting anymore but was failing as sshe groaned and gasped in pain.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Trish looked at Gin then and asked "Why? Why did you do this? Were you drunk? Did it happen all at once? How could you do something like this to a person and feel bad afterward if you already did it so completely?" Sarah remained were she was, crying softly and utterly helpless.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter laughed and threw her on her bed and continued to finger her asshole, pushing in all five of his digits as his other hand slapped her ass. "Do not ignore me, whore! Scream! Call me Master! Obey me!" he ordered.