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Winter Lovers ( Yumi / Fred_18 )
"Ok, then." I say after another kiss form Anthony I ran down stairs, went down another pair of stairs and going to the basement. I looked around, trying to find the shovels, I then find them at the end of the room. I grab them, running back up stairs and heading out in the front of the house.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
(after reading this post it...seems....out of place)
I find myself once again back up stairs, looking at the snow that reached half way up the entire house, though the snow around this particular window was melted being so close to the chimney. It seemed like the only way out and on to the roof. I sighed resigned before walking out, over estimating the thickness of the snow and falling face first into it. "Oof!" before sliding down head first yelling on the way down and off the roof into the snow. At least it wasn't too icy or froze over. I shout up at the window, not really thinking that Nikki wouldn't be able to hear me anyway from inside, "Hey Nikki! I found a way out!"
Many times lost, many times found again.

After hearing Anthony shout, I look out of the window, amazed to see him outside and I asked while shouting, "How did you get out there?"
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
*comedy just seems out of the picture, assuming it is comedy*

My face suddenly turned a little red as I replied. "er...I...kinda slipped and sled down head first into the snow...." I chuckle a bit at how I got outside. "Watch the snow, I thought it was gonna be thick and I went sliding."
Many times lost, many times found again.
*Ok we've both made that! I don't think anyone has done that on here before 'laugh's*

"Ok, I'll get out know." I say, I climbed up the chimbley, tieing the shovels to my jeans. I couldn't believe I didn't get stuck as I was that think. I came out of the chimley, not covered in anything as it was that clean. I take the shovels of my jeans and throw them down onto the ground. "Watch out I'm going to jump!" I say as I new perfectly well I wasn't going to do what Anthony did as I knew how to land on the floor with out hurting myself.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
*if there has it is most likely in a private RP or just never noticed*

I take a few steps back slightly worried, though anyone watching would've commented he was a nervous wreck.
Many times lost, many times found again.
*Probably I haven't noticed lol x*

I run to the other side of the roof, I turned around and made a running position before I ran to the other end of the roof. I then ran as fast as I could, jumping of the roof and does 3 flips before landing standing up and looked at Anthony.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
My heart jumped as she did, it was as if she was floating through the air in slow motion. doing her flips before landing in front of me. I just looked back at her before giving her a searing passionate kiss.
Many times lost, many times found again.
I put my arms around his neck as he kissed me, moaning a little yet a bit suprised from how quick he got from staring at me to giving me a very passionate kiss.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
I break the kiss finally, breathing slightly faster before saying, "that...was for scaring the wits out of me..." Before I give her a gentle tender kiss and saying "and that was because I....I love you..." That last was whispered.
Many times lost, many times found again.