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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
"Well then if you will do anything, then get some goddamn money!" She said, furious now as her back hurt from being slammed into the wall. "Now get out! Get out NOW!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter's hands grabbed and played with her large breasts, before one traveled down to touch her clit. "Has your little fiance have the chance to play with this with his mini dick? I doubt it," he laughed and rubbed her clit with his fingers. "Like mother, like daughter. Both are little sluts."
Rei gave a loud moan, she wanted to fight back but she couldn't find the resolve to do so, the pleasure was so strange and powerful. She was a virgin in everyway and it showed.

Gin looked defeated as he disapeared leaving Iris alone with Trish. After an hour he returned laying about fourty grand on the table " cost five drug dealers but you have your money."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Not fighting back? Do you like it? When I do this?" hunter asked as he pushed in a finger into her virgin pussy, and moved it around a bit. "I bet that feels good," he smiled as his cock grew and hardened, and Rei probably felt it poking her.
Trish smiled widely and gathered it all up. "OK then. What do you want to say to make her switch to the other mind she has?" She asked, sitting at her table, expecting Gin to do the same.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Kurome, it's not a word I would use in conversation so it should ensure that it won't lead to any mistakes." Gin answered still depressed that this was the best he could do for his inocent little elf.

Rei broke out of her shock and squeeled at the pleasure, she wanted to fight back but couldn't think through all the pleasure and soon found herself absentmindedly rubbing his cock.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Iris was sitting on Gin's lap as he spoke, hugging him tightly as she tended to do and laying her head on his chest. "Thank you for not killing me master." She whispered. Trish nodded and then continued. "Would you like to use that same word for both transformations or would you like to pick another to change her back?" She asked, already setting up the proper mind set in her head.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Dear Princess....You're so quiet," he whispered into her ear. "Say something. I am after all going to be your new husband," he smiled as he rubbed his cock against her ass. "And your new Master, my little whore."
Rei squeeled at the strange feeling against her ass and tried to pull away "H-husband? M-master?! No never! Let me go you monster!"

"No lust one will be fine..."Gin relpied as he hugged Iris back "I could never kill you..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"OK, please let me work on her then." She said as she stood up and walked over to Iris. "It will only take a few minutes, please wait here." She took the timid elf slave by the hand and led her to her room. Iris clung to Gin for several moments, not wanting to leave Gin for even a second, but she knew she had to go and eventually went with her. All was silent after they entered the room, very very silent. If Gin tried to come close to them though he would find himself spiritually repelled, the power of what ever was happening being to strong for him to come near. Finally they both came out, both looking a little worn out, though Iris seemed like she had just woken up. "M-Master?" She asked as she stumbled to him. Trish sat down and shook her head. "OK, its done. Try the word now and see if it works."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)