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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
Gin thought about this and nodded, he didn't know where to get such a body anyway "That will be good...but...I have no money...." he realised causing his hopes to sink before he remembered something "What was this you said revenge?" he asked grinning a bit as he hoped she'd catch on.

The queen hummed happily as she joined the group of men quickly getting fucked from every angle. Rei stood in shock before she began fighting back, trying to push and hit the man before her.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"My boyfriend ran off with some hussy! A little bitch of a bitch!" Trish said, getting pissed. "When I find them Im going to give that bitch a sex change and the switch there bodies and curse them both with bad luck!" she fumed. Iris seemed a little scared by this but did not move, she only hugged Gin harder. "In any case, I will make my revenge my own, no help required. If you cant pay then get the hell out." She said, her face getting red from the anger. She seemed to be forgetting that Gin was much stronger then her and the only thing that even let her see him was the charm she clung to in her left hand.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter growled and viciously slapped the girl's cheek. If the blow landed, he would then attack her, by tearing her clothes off and slapping her ass viciously. "Bad whore! Respect your master!"
"Oh come on Trish! I could do far worse to them than you ever could! I could make every second of their life seem like a thousand years of hell! And if he knew what you are than he's probably taking steps to protect himself from you! Please! You're the only one skilled enough to help her!" Gin argued starting to grow upset.
Rei shrieked as the hit made her knees buckle "P-please..just let me be..." she pleaded holding her stinging yet.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"No. I want to do this. Only me." She said shaking her head. "Its MY revenge, not yours! Get out unless you can pay. Come back when your not a broke as spirit. Damn, I knew there was a hole in your chest, but who would have thought it extended into your wallet, I gotta eat you know!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Let you what!?" Hunter roared. "Beg? You're mother begged....Look at her now!"
Rei tried her best not to but she ended up looking anyway, the queen lay there covered in huge amounts of cum and was being fucked in every way imaginable. the sight had Rei hypnotized and unable to fight back at the moment.

In a flash Gin had stood and pinned Trish to the wall, his desperate need of her help forgoten in his anger "What. Did. You. Say. You. Bitch?"
Lady Devimon's Minions
Trish struggled against Gin's superior strength and growled "What?! The part about the hole in your wallet? Or the part about the hole in your chest? Though I guess it makes sense that you would have that kind of hole there, you would need to be heartless to do whatever you did to that girl." She grit her teeth and clung tightly to her trinket, wanting to at least see her death. Before Gin could do much though, Iris was behind him, hugging him tenderly. "Master...Master hurting...hurt me, I am your for hurting. Her moist eyes could be felt as she laid her head against her back.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter laughed and continued to undress the princess, and then kissed her skin, from her neck to her breasts and all around. "My, my...What a dirty mind you have, Princess. Who knew?" he chuckled.
Rei gasped and moaned at attention her body was getting, she had never been touched like this and the pleasure was wearing at her defenses.

Gin was hit by wave after wave of guilt, first from Trish insult about his being heartless and again from Iris's pleas to be beaten "Please...I'll do anything...I never wanted to hurt anyone...I was just tired of being alone..." Gin whispered letting go of the pshycic and staring at the ground.
Lady Devimon's Minions