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SPAM-A-THON!!! (Beware! Yiffy stuff is possible!)
Its because most of them have relationships or they just like to have an RP between those two users
woooo just saw digimon tamers on TV and it was great!

had two of my favorite digimon, guilmon and renamon! ^_^
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
30,000 Posts Woot...aww I missed an episode..crud..I was watching the Super Bowl...Indianapolis is Winning :(
okay i can recap it for you:

the digidestined and thier digimon run into weird puppet-like creatures, but run away from them in fear that thier digimon might get deleted. they stay at the school for the night and in the morning, go over to a bakery and make lots of bread (guilmon makes a guilmon shaped bread ^_^ ).

in the city, impmon is trying to get people to read a sign for him, and everyone just runs away from him. then one guy comes and reads the sign for him. he says somthing like "what is on the outside doesnt reflect whats on the inside" somthing like that. and tells impmon how to get to where the sign said to go. so impmon rides the subway and goes to that place to look for the kids that he is looking for.

the guy who has blonde hear and wears the sunglasses goes over to the bakery to see takato and the others, in an attempt to find out information about the D-Reaper but they dont know much about it (Takato: " if we knew more we'd tell you!" ) after this they go over to the park and thier digimon matrix evolve to try and fight the puppet creature coming out of the big red blob, but the puppet just uses thier attacks back against them.

impmon finds the kids he was looking for, and they take him back to thier house. the girl shows him the teddy bear with a fixed arm, and impmon has a flashback of the kids fighting over the bear, and the arm rips off. he turns his head and starts crying lightly, and the kids say that they are going to share from now on because they thought that them fighting made impmon go away. one of the kids turns on the TV and there is a news report on the 3 digimon fighting the D-Reaper and impmon says he has to go. the childred dont want him to, he says he doesnt want to either, but he has to. he starts walking out of the house and the boy stops him. he gives him a small toy gun and says somthing like "beat the bad guys with this...its my favorite..." and impmon takes it. he is stopped again by the girl and she says taht they'll always love him, and kisses his cheek. impmon blushes and starts running down the road, mumbling to himself. he somehow digivolves into beelzemon in a weird way (you see his foot stepping then beelzemon's foot and it turns back to him to reveal that hes now beelzemon) and he takes the toy gun and it morphs onto his arm, turning into his bigass gun thing. the sprouts wings from his back and flys toward the city.

meanwhile the d-reaper is beating up the three other digimon,and the children seem to be taking the same damage that thier digimon are taking. takato trys to bio-digivolve but it doesnt work. the kid with the grey hair tells him that its not working because there not data. that in the digital world they ARE data and thats why it worked. all of a sudden beelzemon flys in and says somthing like "hey! need a hand?" or somthing like that. the other 3 digimon think hes still evil and he says that he "doesnt give a dirty hanky" if they think he's evil or not, that hes on the good side now. he opens the gun on his arm and a pinkish-purple energy ball appears and he shoots it at the d-reaper and the cord that it is on snaps and it disappears into red goop.

back on the ground taomon says somthing like "sorry we didnt belive you. thanks for helping" and beelzemon smiles. the green digimon (i dunno what his name is :? ) keeps calling him impmon and beelzemon says "no! im beelzemon now, my outside reflects my inside" and the green digimon calls him impmon again and he gets all pissed and starts shouting. everyone laughs. but takato sees a white blur behind a tree for a second and says "huh? could that be...jeri?" and it says to be continued.

whew....that took forever.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
The Colts Won :(
eh, i dont care who wins. im not really into football :P
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Well I am!! I wanted the Bears to win

Blythe: Ada wont be too happy with this
That game was awesome! Right at the start, bears score with 90 somethin... yard run! WOO!
The Mod Squad
Yeah David Hester blew the doors off...but they lost :(
Reply game though..
The Mod Squad