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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
Trish shook her head at an honest loss. "I can do nothing more than this...I am sorry. If fused, then neither will be lost, but both will become one...but its risky." Iris rested her head on Gin's shoulders and snuggled into him, trusting him fully with her life. "If you can just get rid of me...I know you like my other self better...its OK master, I want to make you happy, even if it kills me." She was clearly sad...but then again, she always seemed broken and sad.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gin stood there silent and motionless as a statue for what seemed like forever before he finally answered " won't risk hurting either of them...I've done too much to them already...I don't have the right..."


Rei nodded happily as she stepped foreward and opened the door smilling cheerfully "Mamma! I'm home!" she chirped before she saw what her mothered surounded by strangers.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"So nothing then? Is she really alright in her current state?" Trish asked. Iris just continued to snuggle her master, not particularly happy or sad with the choice, though she was leaning more towards sad since she considered this all her fault. Gin had come here for something and couldn't do it because of her. She want to hurt herself to make up for it but knew that Gin would not like that either so she just stayed as she was, and Sarah, the girl Gin had damned to eternal sleep till death remained asleep.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Princess! About time you got here," a voice laughed. Alex laid on the Queen's bed and smiled as he saw her being gangbanged by strangers. "Off her. Let the queen speak," he ordered, and the strangers got off her. "Say hi to your daughter, Queen," Alex smiled. "tell her about the new you. The slutty you."
"Iris....Sarah...I hope you both can forgive me for all I've done to you..." Gin whispered tears rolling down his cheeks as he felt the wieght of what he had done as well as feeling completely helpless to change it "Trish....are you sure there's no other way? If anyone would know it would be you...."

The queen smiled as she pulled herself up and walk to Rei who was too confused to move as she was wrapped in a hug "M-momma? Wh-what's going on?" Rei whimpered slightly afraid at the scene before her "Well sweetheart, the greatest thing happened! These incredable men made me there whore! The things they did to me were so incredable, taht when they said they wanted you as well I couldn't say no!" the queen explaned leader her horrified daughter to hunter.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Trish crossed her arms and shook her head. "We can fuse them, kill one, or leave this one awake and let the other one stay sleeping, though the other...Sarah? Well...she might as well be dead, you dont dream in this kind of just wait. There is a sixty forty percent chance that if I attempt the fusing, it will succeed and both minds will become one...but then again there is the forty percent that says I will mess up somehow and who knows what will happen then. She might revert to how she was before, killing off this new mind, or she might have no mind at all, or several new ones. I dont know, its your choice. But make it quick, I have a revenge to plot." She said getting more then a little impatient with the sappy antics and drama that were not part of her life. She would rather just kick them out and get back to brooding, but she would not risk angering the ghost like that. Iris snuggled her master and wiped away his tears. "Master...its ok...bring Sarah back....Iris is good with not living, she hastn lived very long anyways....just do it..."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yes, you are quite beautiful," Hunter smiled at Rei. "Your mother will be the slave girl to my men, being their sex slave for them to enjoy, but you....Will be my own private sex slave. If I am not wrong, you have a fiance, right? Forget about him. Like your mother, who forgot your father, you will lose your love of him, and I will take his place."
Gin stopped for a moment as he suddenly had an idea "What if there was another body,? Would you be able to transfer one of the minds into it?" he asked as the plan seemed better by the second, though he already knew he would owe the physcic if she did this.
Rei tried to pull away but her mothers gripp was too strong leaving the princess helpless "No! Go away! I'll never forget him for a monster like you!"
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Um...if that body had a brain but no mind at all...then maybe...I dont know, I have never even thought of doing that before....the risk...well, I cant even tell you, I dont know anything about that at all...but I will try as long as you pay for the service and bring me a body..." She seemed pretty unsure, how could she be sure? She had never done anything like a mind transfer before. "Um..wait! There is one more thing I could do. I could make a keyword, well two. If you say one, then that mind wakes up and the other goes to sleep, and if you say the other the same things happens for the other you can...I guess...give them turns with the body. This I can do."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Slave! go back to pleasing my men. I will deal with your daughter," Hunter said. He then grabbed Rei and pulled her into a kiss, one hand on her waist, keeping her stuck on him, while the other squeezed and played with her large breasts.