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Southern Cross
Kit smiled a bit embarrased as she strapped herself into the chair for takeoff, "Ready whenever you are."

Hiro looked back towards the entrance door as he felt the ship coming to life, it'd be safer to be strapped down in case of severe turbulance but, he looked back at the bed he was sitting next to, Kellie sleeping peacefully on it, I swear Kubrika, I will destroy you for all the pain you've caused my friends. And the woman I love.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
And at seeing the robots, Lu raised an eyebrow, "Wow" were her simple words, before the pantheress looked on Shadow, "You are kidding, right? These things will be scrap faster than we can cut a head."

A deep, mature voice echoed within the Ragnarok "And I swear you and all of your friends the best company and flight of your lives."

And if as in coincidence with the voice's end of the sentence, the whole ship started vibrating, before the lights inside went completely out. Seemingly nothing was affecting the barrier at all though.
The ship's barrier was being started to be crushed with chunks of flaming rock coming from... space.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Colby pondered what her ancestor Morrolen meant by heal Tetsiga with your fang. As the meteorites crashed through the ice shield Tetsiga pulsated in her hand knowing it duty. "Whats this my sword is pulsing ....I see it wants to protect everyone just like me. Crimson do you have anything that will allow me to walk on the outside of the ship without falling off?" she asked.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Disturbed started stumbling from the turbulance from the meteorites "What in gods name is happening!!" he yelled.

"'re all cowards! Run away weaklings, in the end it will all be futile! The power of Zog shall become supreme once is all a matter of time!" Jedrek soon warped out of the spirit dimension and back to the Insane Castle, warping coincidently in the training room.

Looking upon Lu and Shadow fighting the robotic opponents, he raised an eyebrow before grunting. "Hmph, Kubrika really needs to put more into the training budget, such pitiful opponents." His halberd was quick to slice the head off of one of the robots, the tin man crashing into a wall.

Red lights and alarms began to blare whilst the meteorites began piercing through the shields. Ada gasped upon seeing the red space rocks crushing them, barely saying, "Meteor...the legendary magic..."

Crimson tried to keep the ship steady though it was growing difficult, Ragnarok barely speeding forwards whilst the Meteor continued to pursue them. "We'll never escape at this rate!" It was then the fox heard what Colby had said, nodding before pointing towards a tools cabinet near the back of the bridge. "Those Gravity Boots will allow you to walk on the ship's surface, but be careful. If they get damaged by the meteors, you'll go flying off the ship."

Ada stepped forwards as well and unsheathed her rapier, the power of Mar's Mastermune vibrating within the fused blade. "I'll help as well, my magic should be able to deflect some of the Meteor and allow me to stay attached to the ship."

The fox scientist nodded before speaking to the whole crew. "Alright, if anyone else is able to safely get on top of the ship, help them out! I'll try to keep the ship steady until we can get away from Kubrika's spell!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Kit unbuckled herself in a second and ran to the dome of ice that was close enough for her to touch yet a safe distance from fear of falling off the ship, This won't stop those meteors, her hands glowed blue, matching the quick change to her eyes, But it'll at least buy us some time. She place her hands against the wall as a wave seemed to pulse through the entire dome, reinforcing it slightly, "While you guys are out there, try and tell me what places are taking the most damage." She grunted out as she focused back on the dome, If I can redirect the energy towards the areas under the heaviest fire we might have a chance. She thought hopefully.

Hiro shook slighty, but since he was already sitting on the ground didn't fall over. "This can't be good." He thought as he stood up and almost ran to the doorway, but stopped and looked back at Kellie for a second. She'll be safer here. He decided as he ran through the doorway and into the command room, "What's going on?" he asked as another jolt rocked the ship, "Besides the obvious."

"Jedrek?" Shadow looked at the dark dragon, "Thought you were dead. Oh well, guess that means I don't get another room to store stuff in." He said as if it was no big deal.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Thanks Crimsom," Colby said as she quickly put on gravity boots and went to the hatch. As she pressed the button to open you feel the wind flowing out of Ragnarock. She put her leg nervously onto the side of the ship quickly land as the gravity boot did there job.

On top of the ship Colby closed her eyes I must protect my friends no mater the cost she thought to herself and Tetsiga pulsated with her desire to protect her friends. As she opened her eyes she saw the air whip about and a large scar at the epicenter of where the meteors were coming from. Her sword pulsed when pointed it at the large scar "Okay then," Colby said as she swung her sword the wind erupted from the scar destroying all of the meteors at the moment.

As a small chunk of meteor went through the haul of the ship and sailed on through Kellie leg, "Aaahhh..... What the fuck is going on out there," she yelled as she leg slowly regenerated.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: If you can, try not to control the spell. By logic that's Power Play.


The chunks of fire suddenly stopped. Small while later, the main attraction came, as a large, town sized flaming rock started to down on the ship, the Meteor being easily seven times bigger than the Ragnarok.

"So good to see you here" Lu said, then folded her arms, "So you know where the brat is? If's that blue lizard's at the Cross, I wanna be the one to slice his neck apart for being a traitor" she said as in her trial to become Assasin, she had to learn the many weak spots of many creatures.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Crimson, if this thing has a booster on it now would be a VERY good time to use it!" Hiro shouted as he made out the large meteor through the dome around the ship.

Kit focused greatly, the dome around the ship warped around towards the front, forming a wall almost 6 feet thick infront of the ship. "If that hits I doubt this will help." She shouted back as she held up the wall.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Perfect fucking timing." Disturbed cursed under his breath at the situation. He didnt know what to do he was more of a melee and energy guy..he knew nothing about magic. He then turned to Kit and sighed "Kit...I'm gonna give you all the energy I least I can do something to help." he said. The dark wolf closed his eyes and concentrated hard as all the shadows within the ship began to gather, even that of the people's shadows were absorbed into him. Shadows from down below were even started to be absorbed by the dark wolf. Disturbed placed a paw on Kit's shoulder then he started transfering all the energy to Kit making her ice barrier twice as strong "Come on...need more.." he said then he got and idea but...oh what the fuck he did it..he dug deep into hmself and drew out his life energy. All of a sudden a huge amount of energy poured into Kit's body making the ice shield extremely strong "H-Hope that..holds." he said panting heavily.