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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
Rei moaned and screamed her arms giving from the force of the fucking causing her breasts to rub against the ground, the other scout didn't last much longer before they too were on the ground.

"Come Iris...that's her home just over there..." Gin said as he took her in his arm and carried to the front door of the psychics home and taking them through the door.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Iris snuggled into him and held him tightly against her, warming him with her body. She whimpered with longing as she held onto him, disliking being away from him for even a second. AS they walked in Tish stiffened, her back to them. "I know you are there." She said in a shaky voice. "I dont know who you are or how you got in, but take what you want and...and just leave. I dont want any trouble." She had had her house robbed before and had been beaten for even speaking against burglars, so she no longer resisted. If they manged to get in then she did not care what they took as long as they left her alone.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex and the others did not slow, or show mercy. They slapped, spit, and insulted their sluts, which just spurred on as they continued fucking each of them. "Scream whores. The age of the Sailor Scouts is over," Hunter laughed as some of his other demons already came inside their slut, but continued fucking them still.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
he sailor scouts screamed louder than ever but Rei out did them all as she came, her body shaking as she was still being fucked.

"My name is Gin...I'm here for your help...I have no interest in stealing from you..." Gin said as he took a seat pulling Iris down in his lap.,
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hunter let out a moan as he came inside her, his cum flowing into Rei's screaming body. "Any...any last words, Sailor Mars?" he asked as the video neared its end. "No...not Sailor Mars, you're a simple slut. My slut," he whispered as he still thrust into her slowly though.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well a warning would have been nice." Trish said, turning around. "You know, knocking on the door and such?" She used her charm to see them and was surprised to see the ghost that lived round here. On his lap was an elf, a strange one. She was hugging him as best she could and softly licking his neck, using only a little of her tongue. She was cute, she note, and her spread legs and cute licking was enough to turn her on a little, she was bi, but leaned more towards guys, and she would never admit that she looked at girls like that. "Well...what can I help you with?" She asked, shaking her head and coming back to reality.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Rei came soon after her master falling to the ground but keeping her ass in the air "T...thank you for making me your slut master..." Rei breathed basking in the afterglow, too tired to do anything else.

"I asumed you already knew I was coming..." Gin muttered back trying not to be distracted by Iris's continueous licking "...I broke this elf's mind earlier, but I didn't plan on there's two minds. I can't do anything myself that wouldn't make it worse...I just want them both to be happy..." Gin explained seeming to be greatly saddened by what he had done.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Trish scratched her head for a moment. "TWO minds? As in, the first one and then a new one? What the hell did know what? Forget it, I dont want to know. Just bring her over to the table and sit her down on the other side, I will see what I can do." Iris hugged Gin tighter and said "Im I going to be left here?" There was fear in her voice, fear of being abandoned, and her eyes even moistened a little. Gin had not broken her, he had utterly shattered her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
As the holograms disappeared, Alex smiled and spanked his slut's ass. "Good girl," he smiled. "Very good work there, this video will make millions, I can already tell," he smiled, before helping her up. "Have did, whore?"
Gin said nothing as he walked her to the table and sat her down, however he never left her side "Thank you Trish...I owe you..."

Rei smiled as she hugged herself to Hunters side "That was fun master! I'm glad I did good and made you happy!"
Lady Devimon's Minions