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Kurtz/Crimson RPG
Stepping and following after the crimson-furred fox, Lurea growled slightly. She hadn't brought her own Death Ray, but she only clasped her claws together, forming a small water arrow to form in front of her. "What... is that...?" She asked softly, not firing the arrow off as she continued to let it grow.


Cursing softly, Kurtz rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Uhhh.... use me as a bribary and tell her to behave while here or else she gets locked up and experimented on?" Kurtz suggested, before blinking. "Wait... that's both good and bad..." He lowered his head. "Gah... what to do..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"...I think it might be...a Daedra...." uttered Crimson before firing another series of death rays towards the fiend. "...a demon from another world...but I thought they were just a myth..." The chilling face glaring at them seemed awfully similar to the old pictures he had seen as a child.

His face contorted in even more pain, the demon cried from the scorch traveling across his chest before striking Crimson, the fox's arm cut before he was given a swift kick to the gut.

The Daedra groaned as he slowly arose, the fox scientist realizing it would attack again in a moment. Digging through his pockets, he swiftly produced another ray gun on him, aquamarine colored and decorated with fins. "Good thing I always keep a spare." he declared with a grin before handing the Aqua Death Ray to Lurea.

Running a beastly speed, the dimensional demon soon closed the gap between himself and the two, claws aimed for both.


"Wait, maybe she'll behave if I bake some cookies...that is if she really is just like our Crimson. Want to give me a hand, Chef Kurtz?" she asked with a wink, Monica's tail swishing a little.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
At that time, the arrow in front of Lurea had grown to a quite large size, as she smirked, before throwing her arm out. "WATER ARROW!" Almost immediately, she grabbed the Aqua Death Ray, as the arrow shot forward and into the Daedra's shoulder with enough force to rip through it.


Nodding a little, Kurtz looked at her and licked her nose very lightly, before smiling. "Hm... it might work..." He then chuckled softly, before nodding. "Just remember, if it doesn't work, we bargain me. Deal?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The Daderic demon roared with renewed agony once the Water Arrow pierced his shoulder, the cool aqua chilling his scorching skin. Black blood drizzled down blood soon after, a guttural groan emanating from the ill being before he charged towards Lurea. His distraction had however made him unaware of the attack to his right; a pistol whip followed by another blast of his beam gun to the head making the beast of a man fall to the ground.

"I think we got him..." declared Crimson, eying the still demon warily.

A raspy cough left the fallen creature before he whispered a short string of unintelligible words, the gate before them glowing before the flames around it dissipated, the portal shrinking into nothingness. With that, the Daedra moved no more.

(Laboratory #13: Outside)

Monica nodded before she said, "Alrighty! Well lets get going Kurtzy, we've got work to do!" The perky Renamon grabbed his massive forearm before pulling him back into the house, humming a sweet tune while she led him to the kitchen.

(Main Laboratory Halls)

"What do you want from me, you crazy fox?!" cried Zorromon while backing up from the approaching Femme Crimson.

A giggling left the striking vixen before she replied, "Nothing Zorra, I just like seeing you squirm! Well, I guess I'd better get back to work, that crazy gate of mine didn't do anything." As she left a stunned Zorromon, she observed a picture hanging in the hallway depicting the Crimson of this dimension, the vixen blinking when she observed the name under the male. "What this some sort of joke...or was this from that time I used the Gender Swap Gun?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Seeing the Daedra moving no longer, Lurea sighed; ruffling a soft claw over her quills as she rested back against the wall, sighing softly. "Well... certainly not what I was expecting..." She giggled slightly to Crimson, closing one of her eyes. "Oh well.. guess we're not eating here, aye?"


Grumbling a very tiny curse under his breath, the bulky muscular dragon let himself get dragged into the kitchen quickly, before chuckling. "Well, maybe I could call my sister up... but cookies sound like a good idea anyhow. I have to help, yah?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yeah, I guess so..." he answered with a small laugh. The fox scientist stopped for a second though before thinking, But how did that thing even get here? Could it have something to do with my gate invention...but, I didn't even test it yet. Oh well, it was probably just a small break in the dimension. Crimson looked toward the aqua and cracked a small smile before he suggested, "Well since the service here stinks, how about we just go back to my place and I'll cook you something. There aren't any crazy demons back there."

(Lab #13)

"You crazy demon, that's the real Crimson, you're just...some impostor." Zorromon watched Femme Crimson take her gaze off of the picture, her eyes filled with a bit of wonder.

"Why do you guys keep calling me a fake and if that's the real..." The vixen stopped for a moment before she jumped for joy. "Oh, then my gate did work! I'm in another dimension, that explains Kurtzy being so muscly and Monica's rack!"

A disgusted expression formed on Zorromon's muzzle as the idea of male Monica filled his head before he said, "Yeah, now you'd better go back to your own world, there's only room for one Crimson."

"Nope, can't leave without saying hi to myself! Later Zorra!" With that, the vixen headed off deeper into the lab.

"Dammit, get back here....and the name's Zorro!"


"Yup, but don't worry, I think we'll have some time to relax when we're all done," she giggled before giving him a wink. With that, she went over and started getting some ingredients to make the cookies, laying them across the table before she reached into the lower cabinets for a bowl, her tail raised to show off her taut, cute behind.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"You sure you want to go back to the lab, sweetie?" Lurea chimed happily, swishing her tail as she slowly recomposed into her usual giggly self. "I could bring you back home and with Tieya's help we could cook something for you!" She looked up to the fox, before cuddling him; her fins tapping against his chest. "How about it?"


As Monica started to lay out the ingredients as of such, the dragon could only but keep an eye on her. He did notice her raised tail, and did blush a little, as he continued to watch her collect the ingredients for a few more moments. But he couldn't really help but listen to his head; he quickly stepped behind her, and, placing his claws on her behind softly, yet teasingly, he looked over her shoulder. "Any help you need?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
A grin grew across the fox's muzzle before he replied, "Well I do love your cooking, that would be great." Accepting her offer, Crimson put away his weapon before heading towards the door, still cuddling the sweet aqua whilst the left the battered restaurant.


A quiet murr left the blond haired vixen upon feeling Kurtz's hands groping her cute butt, her tail slowly swishing. "Mmmm, I think I know one thing you can do..." she said with a slight giggle, her legs spreading a little wider, a moistness starting to grow beneath her fur.

(Gate Room)

Carrying Femme Crimson under his arm, Zorromon headed into the room with the experimental portal device. "No place to run now!"

"Ha, how are you going to use this without my help?" laughed the vixen before squirming out of the digimon's grasp again. "Let alone trap me for more than a minute, silly Zorra."

More cursing and an assortment of rough noises reverberated throughout the deeper part of the lab.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Cuddling the fox's arm once more as well, Lurea giggled, as they both left the restuarant and started to head back the way they had both come; back towards the residence while smiling. "Hm... Crimsy, how long do you have for your lunch break exactly?" She asked curiously, looking slightly up to him as they walked


"Oh?" Kurtz chuckled very lightly, feeling the slight shift of her legs through his claws, as he softly started to grope her buttcheeks with them, resting his muzzle teasingly on her shoulder. "But, what about the ingredients? Or can that..." He then grinned, as his tail teasingly coiled around her leg. "..Wait? Since I think Zorro can handle it on his own... he's not helpless..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
A light chuckle left the fox before looked down to the aqua, his tail cuddling her close. "Ah, the lab's closed for now, Dorothy and all the other scientists are on vacation so we can spend the whole day together if you want, Lurey," he replied, giving her cheek a nuzzle as they returned to the streets.


The white mage murred upon feeling the dragon over her, especially from the feeling of her tender behind being groped by his strong claws. "Yeah, Zorro will be fine. Now, how about giving me a hand with something else, Kurtzy?" Her muzzle grew into a sly grin as her flexible tail slid its way into the dragon's pants, brushing its fluffy fur along his inner thighs.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions