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I guess I'm one of the lucky ones 6' and no matter what I eat I'm stuck in the 180's. Granted up until about 6 months ago I was about 250 but since I lost it I've been eating the same crap I always have and stayed at that weight. Weird.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
An update on what I thought would be progress :x : I'm back at home, and I've seriously cut down on my cereal and fruit intake, but I can't seem to crap nearly as much as I usually do. When all I eat is lettuce, egg whites, and a little bran, I know that food can't be digested completely, so it has to leave, but it's really taking its time. Meanwhile, I can't stop eating and wait for the crap, so I'm not losing weight. I'm stuck at 180, and I've got 10 more pounds to lose.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Hm, ok.... I don't know what you could do.
Not telling you how to do your deit and such but drink a glass of Black China Tea, if works very well and it can be made with ease ^ ^
So what kind of tea is that?
Warning: No reading, weakos.

I have a good way of stopping eating. It's our famous children song 'Queremos comer' ("we want to eat"). It goes like this:
'We want to eat, we want to eat,
Bursted toad with the guts at its side,
Really green bogy from a disgusting old man,
Vomit hot enough to burn your teeth,
Fried cockroach among French fries.'

Read it twice before eating and I can assure your hunger will stop.
Hang on, hang said your gums started to bleed? Errr...doesn't that mean you were starting to get scurvy?
Not scurvy, gingivitis. Which is not as bad for you and far more common.
"Just tell you that the only handicap mine had is that since it had no citrus I ran out of vitamin C so I had to take the tablets. But well, you do what you want."

Lack of Vitamin C + bleeding gums generally implies scurvy, which isn't as uncommon as you think!
Really, I thought people didn't get that as much as they used to.
It was a big pirate problem.