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Hey.. im new.
Quote:The next time these primaeval martial arts emerge are with the legendary Bodhidharma (known in China as Putidamo - more commonly Damo - and in Japan as Bodai Daruma Daishi - more commonly Daruma), an Indian prince and son of King Sugandha of southern India who lived from 448 to 527 A.D. He migrated to China and took up with priests at the Shaolin temple in Henan province in China. While living there he was supposed to have meditated in front of the temple wall for 9 years. Otherwise he noticed that Shaolin monks were easily fatigued and therefore introduced exercises to strengthen the mind and the body (including a set still known as the Eighteen Lohan Hands). Allegedly his discipline was so harsh that he caused monks to collapse from exhaustion one by one; his reasoning was that one needed to be strong enough in body (not just in the soul from which it is inseparable) to perform ascetic acts to attain enlightenment (as required by Ch'an (known as Zen in Japanese) Buddhism). Interestingly, there are no records in India of Bodhidharma but some biographies exist in China (dating to 645 and 1004 A.D., which is long after Bodhidharma's death). These legendary origins are important because karate, Chinese martial arts (popularly known under the generic name of Kungfu), and other martial arts claim descent from Bodhidharma and his teachings although most countries also have their own unique unrelated form of martial arts.

Quote:The origins of Modern Japanese Karate can be traced back to Okinawa. During the government of Okinawan King Shohashi in 1429, he unified the islands of Okinawa under his rule and banned all use of weapons. This prohibition gave a great impetus to the populace to practice empty-handed combat, known as Okinawan-te, for self defence.

Moreover, in 1609, the Okinawan islands were conquered by the Japanese warlord Shimazu. As a consequence of the Okinawans refusing to help Shimazu, he banned the use of weapons in the country. During this era, the art of empty handed fighting became popular and many farming tools were cleverly converted by the people to be used as weapons. The Nunchakus, Tonfa and the Sai were formerly farming tools used as weapons, just to name a few. Karate masters Anko Itosu and Kanryo Higashionna were the first Karate instructors in Okinawa. Many talented Okinawans including Kenwa Mabuni (Founder of Shotoryu), Gichin Funakoshi (Founder of Shotokan) and Chojun Miyagi (Founder of Goju Ryu) came to understudy from both instructors (Kenwa Mabuni) or either of them. (Funakoshi from Itosu and Miyagi from Higashionna respectively). In 1879, the Ryukyu Islands became Japanese provinces and Karate was brought formally into Japan by Okinawan experts in the early 1900's.

You see, about 1000 years before the official origins of karate in Japan. In almost every major historical innovation, it's a good bet that China came first.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
>.>;;; <.<;;;.. umm.. ok. guys, no offense or anything but... isnt karate karate? all i know is that karate is practiced in two ways: shodocon ans ty kwon do. if im wrong (sorry if i am) i am. and mowgly, aguman told me that you where a relly good friend of his, so if you have yahoo, feel free to IM me. and as for wise and Oni... let em finish their quarrel OUTSIDE the DaD pleaze?
*signs* I never said china didnt come first....infact they were the first asain civilization after the settleization of the hindu river. not every martial arts dirive from the east at all. japan makes there own as dos china...coutrys that are far older such as greece has there own as well. China was the first, but it dosnt get the privlege of being the first in martial arts. Sumer, Babylon, Egypt .....the people from china migrated from these places and brought warfare with them......noone simple sat down and decided im going to invent a form of fighting....china can trace its fighting styles back to sumer. china was the first in the far east but not the first country to think of killing people with there bar hands. If you studyed from them you would know this.

And your right nightmare, i got carried away. AND i forgot to welcome you to the board. *bows*
welcome ^_^

*tosses nightmare a beer*

you'll prooly like it here - modtly nice ppl
Hey another one joind our clan so ypu anyway interestad in digimon or just like the hentai part.

By the way no coments about my spelling I know it sucks
Quote:China was the first, but it dosnt get the privlege of being the first in martial arts. Sumer, Babylon, Egypt .....the people from china migrated from these places and brought warfare with them......noone simple sat down and decided im going to invent a form of fighting....china can trace its fighting styles back to sumer.
Hmm, good point, the "Eye for an eye" people probably had ways of killing each other without weapons. I'm not sure about a mass migration from the "Cradle" to China, but that's another matter. Coming up with ways to injure people is something that every culture has its own take sausage.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
u.u;; **sighes** Wisemon... Onimon.. CAN WE PLZ DROP IT! IT'S REALLY STARTING TO GET REALLY ANOYING! u know.. some ppl dont want to hear ppl rave on and on about martial arts. if any one else agrees that this is getting to be a lil anoying... just say yes. or dont bother if you dont want to. Wismon, Onimon, guys i really dont want you two to riun a topic (if this one already hasnt). if you want ot rave on.. start a new topic, plz -.-
oh, and btw black phoenix. i joined here because of:
1) henati
2)yoai and yuri
3)i love digimon (theyz cute ^.^)
4)i have nothing better to do, and
5)this reminds me alot of the DHZ
Don't mind wise he likes to argue/debate a lot and heh heh heh saugage that's funny.
OOOOok, this is going pretty good. ill let wise and oni debate or come to a truce (hopefully -.-) and while they do that im going to start right away on some lemons. if anyone wants a request... wait till i give an OK, ok? XD heh, lol. that come out a differetn way i wanted it... but oh well. like i said, if anyone wants to make a request.. give it to me and ill get it done asap (when i get the time to)(nm what i said before, im nice enough to make acceptions{maybe *evil grin*}) so guys, thanks for the warm welcoming and ill make myself confortable here. :)