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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"No, I feel terrible..." Cerberus sighed. "I'm not your Guardian anymore... but I've grown so attached to you..."
Seit's face turned from happy to cold in a split second and he got up.
"....who gave the order...."
Seit looked around for something he misplaced.
"Hm? Where'd Zeke go?" asks Zeke, looking around. "He was just here! I've gotta... gotta...." he suddenly sinks into his trance again. "Gotta... find Shadow...." No, not again!!
he looks at a mishapen Stick in the tree.he pulls it out.
"....ok cain,wake up.."
the Stick poofs and cain appears yawning in Seits hand.
he looks around."is Geon gone ?"
"yeah...but we got a bigger problem..."
seit turned to Cerberus.
"we planed this ever since i had the Geon Dream.he was to hide until it was over."
a new Guardian, appeared before Zeke, he resembled a wolf, and had shoulder armor.

He bore a significant resemblance to cerberus, only he had green and brown fur.

"Fin." He commanded, breaking the trance.
Zeke blinks in surprise, turning around. "Who are you?"
"I am your new Guardian- replacement of Zeke. He says sorry, because he got a very important mission, I'm Geryon, the Guardian animal of Nature, you can call me Ryon!" Geryon said with enthusiasm.
"Hm. Well, I'm Zeke. Good to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too! Well, Zeke told me everything, and I'm going to make sure you don't fall into the wrong hands- your powers are very powerful, you know." Geryon said cheerfully, sitting down on the ground and offering a paw to shake.
Zeke shrugs and shakes it. "So it seems. Zeke thought so--and even Shadow thought so."