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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Zeke growls sharply. "IMPALAR MANOHA!" Blue beams of energy in the form of arrows fly at Seit, aimed at non-vital places on his body. One hits his arm.

"Sorry about that, Seit," he said. "Listen to him, and fight whatever's controlling you. You can do it!"
Occ: seit read my last post
Veemon's Followers
OOC:i know i fixed it.

IC:seit takes the hit on his arm and laughs.he changes his stance toa primal one,claws start to grow on his fingers.when they are done he lunges for Zeke with his hand cocked behind him.
At the very last second, Zeke seems to disappear! Once Seit lands, he sees that Zeke just bent backwards, balancing on all fours with his chest facing upward. He rights himself again and turns around to face Seit.
Seit,without looking points at zekes head.the same Seal that appeared on Geons head started to apear on was already on Seit's head.
Zeke rubs at his head. "What's that for?"
Cronos came up and hit seit in the stomach "don't do that! as a vampire i know what that does."
Veemon's Followers
Zeke shrugs. "I'm lost."
he just smiled and turned around to look at he takes the blow to the stomach,he stagers alittle."gah.....nice hit...but foolish."he turns twist his hips and kicks Cronos in the head.he looks back at zeke.

OOC:blue dont hate me.

IC:the everything but him and Zeke disapears.they stand in a Dark area,they can only see each other.he forces the last 2 Archs to apear,completes his transformation,and looks at Zeke.
"this is my....domain...welcome to my Nightmare!"
occ: i'm close but i won't. and my char's name is Cronos
Veemon's Followers