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Bleach: Last Stand.
"Being something new is all fine and good, but take it from someone who knows, when your a mutation of what is the normal status quo your hounded, trust me i know this a lot better than anyone else..." Her voice trails off and her expression pales "Aizen-kun? how does that little squirt fit into all this?" she asks "w-we grew up together... last time i saw him he was barley up to my waist...such a gentle boy, what do you mean by him convincing people to kill for him?"
"Arrancar?" Zeke questioned, honestly unfamiliar with the term. "What is the manner of such a name? Is it a new Hollow category, maybe?" he guessed.

(12th Squad's Office)

Kazan's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he received Rina's kiss "T-t-taichoooo!" he screamed in his mind, unable to figure out what exactly was going on. He felt her soft paw on his scaled chest, and remembered how he found curvaceous women tempting, his eyes drifting down to Rina's cleavage again to admire the sheer size of her prominent bosom, a bulge starting to form and tent around his haori's waist-section.

(Real World)

Proto's figure vanished from Trent's sight once again, the drill apparently going through him. "I find your Bankai ugly, and ineffective." Proto whispered from behind Trent, his head glued to Trent's side. "You are an ineffective Shinigami. How do you hope to stop Hyouzen-sama with such pitiable strength?" he taunted, his katana arm with Chrono's blade hovering just in front of Trent's neck. "Being slaughtered by your own Shikai. What do you think?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*Human World*

"Arrrgggg!!!" Naibu roared from the wound inflicted upon him by Hyouzen's attack, the large wound on his chest wasn't too deep, but it was serious, with his barrier dissipated Naibu found himself being dragged by the water current to the depths of the river Dammint! I was to careless He thought ignoring the sharp pain coming from his wound, looking for a way to stop himself from being dragged further down by the current I need to get out of the water I'm a sitting duck here.


Rina broke the kiss for a moment when she felt his enlaging member under her "Hehe" She positioned herself and started rubbing her cunt against Kazan's dick while sliding his haori from his arms revealing his muscular chest "C'mon, I'm doing all the job here".
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"Hyouzen is not invincible. His reiatsu is becoming dimmer with each move he takes." The Trent that Proto was threatening soon disappeared however, being nothing more than an after flash caused by his manipulation of the time flow. "As for you, you've just acquired the powers of time. You're just a novice to their potential. I won't die to you." He then flew up from above, making several quick jabs with his spinning drill.


"I'll be honest, kid...I'm at the breaking point, but I'll win this that you're in the water, it's there that you'll stay, hehe." Hyouzen summoned the last of his spiritual energy before he uttered in a booming voice, "Binding Art #55: Hydrus Prison!" The river water then started to cling tightly to Naibu's body, pulling him under while acting as a prison. "You have at the most just a few minutes of air. I suggest you spend that time thinking happy thoughts."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"But, they wouldn't, I mean I haven't done anything," Katt continued, "Well, take this power away then, I'd rather not have it then get killed because of it!"

*Computer room*

"A hollow, when they grow strong enough, are able to remove their masks. It grants them powers and abilities like shinigami, they aren't that threatening, but not long ago a shinigami discovered a device that could be used to force the transformation, creating arrancar that far surpass any shinigami or hollow." Shadow printed out a page full of pictures and names, "So far these are the Shinigami that have gone missing that we don't know what happened to, like I said it's a long shot but we don't have many other options at the moment."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"There's no turning back...I'm sorry...but trust me, Shadow would never turn on you...And I'll risk my life for you if need be!" Salem trying to seem determined and comforting "Your little Aizen grew up to be a monster, far worse than any hollow or arrancar. He's someone I will kill." he explained to Ayame, though he never stopped pleading to Katt with his eyes.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Zeke grabbed the list and eyed it carefully, "There are a considerable number of disappearances." He observed, narrowing his eyes as he read, "Not only that, but their disappearances... they all occured in Seireitei." He looked down towards Shadow, as if trying to exchange thoughts with him. "Arrancar... Hollows that are able to remove their masks..." he mumbled, averting his gaze again. "So are you saying these creatures are the culprits? That they also are involved in your fellow Shinigami's disappearances?" he asked, summing up everything he had heard and read so far.

OOC: Note, despite being one, Zeke's no idea about Vizards.


(12 Squad's Office)

"Ah, t-taicho... This..." Kazan babbled in an almost frantic way as he tried to hold himself back from pouncing Rina, "Rrrrgh, I..." he grunted, unable to talk due to his growls of supressed needs relieved by her treatments continued working against his ethics. His claws twitched, eager to grab and touch.

(Real World)

Proto put his arms up, spinning quickly to block Trent's flurry of jabs, unable to deflect them due to his fast pace. "It appears I have misjudged your abilities. However, all you're doing is to delay the inevitable." The arrancar boldly pushed forwards when he saw an opening and spun around with the intentions to push trent away, before his free arm pointed at him with an open hand, "Absorb, Anaboko." He muttered, spirit particles of an amber yellow colour starting to gather into a sphere in front of Proto's hand, "It's over!" a loud blast was heard, and a light-speed sharpnel of rock propelled towards Trent.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
" you won't," Ayame says simply standing up straight and glancing at Katt "trust me, if your captain draws a sword at you, me and Salem can protect you... as for you" she says turning and looking calmly at Salem "If Azien is as terrible as you say, than i want proof, and if it is true, then he is my burden to take care of, i should have been here to watch him if he turned into the monster you say he is, i should be the one to stop him." The girl shifted and brushed some of her long green hair from her eyes, adjusting her swords strap to go across her back better. "When we get Katt's situation figured out, your gonna be haveing a chat with me Salem, deal?"
*Human World*

With the spell cast upon him, Naibu released the remaining air from his lungs with a scream of pain "Gaaaarrrghhhh!!!" Shit! shit! shit! Hyouzen!! I'll will kill you!!! He mustered all his strenght, the skies above the river turned black before a tornado decended and once again splited the water where Naibu was, now with his bankai released "Hyouzen!!!" His angry shout could be heard across the whole town, he leaned on his knee, the wound and the effort it took to release himself had taken a toll on him.


Rina started to moan as she became more hornier by her own treatment, as she continued to rub his member, she used her hands to release her massive breasts from her haori in front of Kazan on purpose to see his reaction and started to squeeze them hard making her moan even louder.
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"No need to shout...I hear ya, you persistent kid." Hyouzen groaned as he realized his plan didn't work. To make matters worse, Hyouzen's wounds were still bleeding and the dragons reiatsu was near zero. With shaky arms, the dragon gripped his oar blade, Enki, and tried to hold his ground against Naibu. "Heh heh, we're both almost dead...if you want to draw, you're welcome to run right now...but if you're desperate to finish this...come and get me."


Trent roared with pain as his body was punctured with Proto's super fast sharpnel of rock, leaving a small hole in his shoulder and wing. How did he...I was too slow... The gryphon was forced to the ground, barely making a decent landing with his one healthy wing. He looked up towards the floating arrancar before hissing from the agony of his wound. "Ahhh! C-Come down we can finish this. T-The blood of those young shinigami are on yours and Hyouzen's hands...I won't rest till I bring you two to justice."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions