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kitty remained silent for the remainder of her seduction as she was fingered. It did not take long for her to cum since she was a virgin once more. She sighed loudly as she came and stayed on the ground as her juices poured over Mai's fingers and onto the floor. She lay there panting for a time, a small amount of drool leaking from her mouth. Then Mike was there. He smiled as he looked at her and utter fear covered her face as she looked up at her master. "Come." He said to both of them. Kitty shivered and quaked badly, fearing punishemnt. She actually pissed a little and began to cry. Mike turned around and said "I will show you to your rooms." At that Kitty began to calm down but was to weak and frightened to move.


"N-no master." She said stil blushing. "L-Lets just get to the house or do something else." She said timidly. (What time is it?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Mai picked up Kitty in her arms, bride style an followed Mike. She glared at him because of the wrenches, but thought it best not to mention it. "Thanks," she mumbled for showing them to their rooms.


((11:00 PM at Night))

Alex smiled and put his arm around Tiff as a cold wind hit them. "Then to home we go," he smiled, kissing her cheek as Rose walked over and took Alex's other arm.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Mike smiled and said "Any time slut. Ah, here we are!" He opened the door and showed them the inside. The room was cozy and clean, with a closet full of slutty clothes, a large bed, a desk with a chair and a night stand. Also, on the other side of the bed opposite the night stand was a large kennel. It had the words "Kitty's room" Carved into the top and had some sheets spread out on the inside for her to lay on. The room also had a bathroom with everything they needed and a large litter box for kitty. She blushed when she saw it, remebering how she had to use it and nothing else to take care

"You must be tired from your first day as a slut. Kitty can stay in your bed for a little while but remember that filthy animals have their own beds and I dont want to be pulling hairs out of your sheets." He then turned to leave but then stopped and said "And to show you I am not with out mercy, Kitty may speak to you. But you and only you, and if any one hears her speak, even a little, I will count it down as an action for punishemnt, so I would keep it down. Good night slut and pet. Tomorrow you can find bitch, she seems to have gone missing and I just dont have the time to find her." He laughed darkly and closed the door, leaving them alone. Kitty, who was curled up in Mai's arms, looked up at her and said "D-do you think its really ok...f-for me to speak, mew?" She said it silently, and trembled a little as she spoke, as if she expected Mike to bust back in and drag her to the warg.


Tiff blushed a little harder but did not pull away. she did however yawn as sleepieness crept over her. "Im a little tired master." She said timidly.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"...I think so, but please be quiet," Mai whispered and took her hand ."Come here, on to the bed, Kitty," Mai said, gently pulling her to the bed. "Now that we have the truly talk, anything you would like to say?"


The three soon arrived at Alex's home and he opened the door, letting in Rose and Tiff first, then himself, locking the door. "Do you wish to rest Tiff?"

"The night is still young," Rose smiled and wrapped her arms around Tiff.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Kitty hestantly hopped onto the bed and curled up at the foot of it. "I..I dont know, mew." she said silently. "Its been so long, mew, I just dont know what to say." Tears welled up in her eyes suddenly and she jumped forwards and hugged Mai. "Thank you Mai!" She said rubbing up agaisnt her as much as she could in sheer graditued and affection, tears still spilling from her eyes. "Thank you so much! I can talk, Mew! I can finally say things to some one, Mew!" She began to cry in her arms and kept rubbing agsint her until she found a spot under her right arm and nuzzeled it feircely.


Tiff blushed as she was embraced but said "But I am tired. I would like to sleep if that would be allowed." She said smally, keenly aware that her words no longer held any true power any more. He could force her to stay up all night masterbating if he ordered it. She swallowed.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Shhh," Mai ordered gently. "Its okay, Kitty. I'm sorry for making you be with that warg in the first place. Can you forgive me?" Mai asked, hugging Kitty and kissing her forehead.


"Come on! Don't you want to have a little fun?" Rose asked, rubbing Tiff's breasts. Alex smiled and walked over to Tiff and whispered into her ear. "Just a little bit to please your Master?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Kitty looked up at her and nodded "I forgive you, mew." she said quitely. She snuggled next to Mai like a kitten would her mother and purred at her side. Suddenly there where three long beeps on her collar. She looked up confused and said "I...I dont remember those beeps." Suddenly hunters voice came over the collar, making her meep with surprise and fear. "Bed time now. But before bed I think the kitty deserves a treat from mommy. I think a nice healthy dosage of mommies milk should do the trick. Slut if you would." suddenly Mai's breasts swelled a little larger and she noticed milk drible out of her nipples. Kitty looked up and blushed and said "Mew... Im sorry Slut." She said climbing on top of her and gently grabbing on to her right breast. She looked up at her once more befor licking the nipple, and some of the milk. She found it tasted really really good!


Tiff moaned as her breasts were rubbed and blushed even harder, which was Quite a feat at this point. "If...If this is what master wants." She sighed, slowly begining to undo the clasps of her clothes.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I-its okay," Mai whispered, hugging Kitty. "Go ahead, drink all you need," she smile, but she was a little afraid. If Master could alter her body like that, what else could he do to her?


Roe was already ahead, working the clasps off. Alex took Tiff's face in hand and he pulled her into a passionate and wild kiss, his tounge plunging into her mouth.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Kitty nodded and licked her nipple one more time before she began to gently suck on it. She drank the warm, sweet milk down as it came, filling her tummy with it. She sucked gently so she would not hurt Mai but could not help a veiw hard sucks as she tried to get as much milk as she could.


Tiff returend the kiss as much as she could while her meager clothing fell away to reveal her, naked once more. Tears fell from her eyes again but she said nothing about them, nore did she begin to sob.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex pulled back and kissed the tears, tasting the salty water. "Something wrong my dear, Tiff? Do you want me to stop?" the Master of Magic asked.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)