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Pillow fight!
*lies there for a wile*

-----15 minuts later----

*wakes up with a huge headach. goes to rub head and finds peaces of glass stuck in skull*

"ow! not cool dude, not cool!" *grabs a "knife" hidden under my shirt and use it to cut the pillows apard sending one flying across the room hitting DMX in the head*

"this is a PILLOW fight, dont use stuff that can cause drain bammage... err i mean brain damage"

*takes pillow out of case and slams shadow very hard across the chest with it*
*fire alarm sounds*
You fools. See what you get.
*fire extinguishing system activates and drenches everyone in the house*
*looks at Unknown in the bedroom* How did you end up here?! *beats Unknown with a pillow out of the room*
I thought you might like having someone to beat up with pillows.
*glares at Unknown, bites a piece of own pillow and rips it off* GROAAARGH!!!!!
See... if you hit me with that, it'd help that anger. Now, would you like help to fix that pillow?
*rips off another piece of pillow and gets close to Unknown's face* GROAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So.... should I ask why you're GROAAAARGHing at me?
No particular reason, I'm just venting my anger and you should be grateful it's not with you. *bites a bedpost and rips off some of it*
I guess. But how can you rip through a bedpost?
Cheap wood. Burnt, cheap wood.