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A Zero and Mareo Product: Cat Trainers
Just played with Silvia as long as the girl could, taking joy out of her joy. When the two were finally done, he placed his hand on her waist, and kissed her cheek, smiling. The two saw Kase, and at first the man was wary of this old man that was touching his cat slave, before smiling to see Kase was enjoying himself. The two would walk over and he would nod at the question as Kase came onto the sand. "I am. His name is Kase. May I ask who you are?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Just a visitor from another land. I heard the beaches here were quiet havent been using your slaves have you?" He said as he absentmindedly stroked Kase's head and stomach, making the cat purr and nuzzle. "Cat slaves require a time, its in their genes. If they go without the can become unruly or frustrated. Besides, there is no higher form of affection to a neko, see?" He placed his hands on KAse's lips and Kase opened up and began to lick and suck his fingers. "Well, the day is ending, and I must take my leave." He said, standing up and carrying the small neko to his master. "Be sure to show them the affection they crave." He added as he packed up his things and left, leaving Kase half dazed in Just's arms.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
just took the slave into his hands and looked at Kase, before looking at Silvia. "Are you feeling antsy?" he inquired. "I mean, do you want me to pleasure you, like how that man pleasure Kase?" The two would then walk back to the towels Just had set up as he awaited an answer. He placed Kase down on a blanket and rested on his back, relaxing.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia blushed at the question and looked down at her feet. In secret she had been yearning for his touch, to at least stroke her body, to more physical and less distant. But at the same time she was nervous to admit so. She was still a virgin, but that had not stopped the shop owner from molesting her on more than one occasion, and his touch was anything but desired. Still, Just was not that man.

Kase moaned softly as he was placed down on his back and nuzzled into Just's side before closing his eyes for a cat nap. The sun was starting to set and it had been a good day at the beach. Silvia could not bring herself to answer, being timid as it was, but cuddled into Just's other side to watch the sun set with him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Just wrapped his arms around both of his slaves and he seemed memorized by the sunset. As he gazed at it, he began to speak with a small, yet sad smile. "It's strange isn't it? The sunset is so beautiful, yet the world it coexists with can be so...vile. I know you and Kase have had a hard life, but I want you to know there is always hope. For a better tomorrow. A brighter future. If such beauty, like that sunset, can exist, I believe there is hope for everyone. No one is beyond redemption. Nothing is beyond being saved. Everyone can be healed. Life can be hard, you know this, but I know that life can be beautiful...if we allow it to be," he smiled, gazing into the sunset, not even caring if Silvia knew what he was saying.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia said nothing and merely continued to watch the sun set, her furry head nuzzling into Just's side as he hugged her. She had never felt so safe outside a cage in all her life, and she knew it was all because of her new master.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Just eventually picked the two up with a spell, and made the towels vanish. He brought them over to a taxi and laid them both inside, with him in the middle, before telling the driver to bring them home. Once there, he would lay Kase into bed, and would look at Silvia, curious to how tired she was, and curious to see if she desired anything before her sleep...Even if she desired nothing, he would suddenly kiss her lips and whisper into her ear. "But I desire something from you..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia blushed when she was kissed, having never really been kissed before, and not like this. She blushed as she heard his words, her ears down in submission. "W-What do you w-want me to do master?" she asked him timidly, her tail twitching slight, showing how nervous she was.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Please, just call me Just, and what I want you to do is relax, and let me do all the work," the alchemy made man smiled, before kissing her once more and stripping her of her bikini, leaving her naked and his. His hands traveled up and down her body, rubbing and stroking her legs, then groping her ass, slapping it, and then moving to grope her large tits.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia whimpered slightly and moaned softly into the kiss as she was stripped naked. She felt his hands traveling up her trembling body, stroking her and making her flesh hot with lust. IT was not long before she was mewing in his arms, rubbing against him an purring. His hands on her ass and legs made her pussy slightly damp, but when his hands reached her breasts she could not helpt but cry out with need.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)