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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
"We're trying to get married! We want to be their personal whores! Their so much better to us than any of you were!"

"I told you I don't want you to be hurt...I wanted the old you...would she...come back...if I let her go free? I can't remove the collar but I can let go of it's chain..." Gin said sadly, horrified at what he had done to his little elf...
Lady Devimon's Minions
Tuxedo Mask was about to yell, before the monster army surronded him and his allies. Hunter smiled a cruel smiled before looking at the Sailor Scouts. "Any last words before we kill these men, sluts?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sarah shock her head slowly. "Oh no master...I dont think she can. She is sleeping deep in my head, she puts me out for you, because you wanted a pet and because I am so weak...weak...weak...weak. I dont know how to wake her up, she is very scared, she wanted to be your friend....but you didnt want one, so she made me to be your pet." Suddenly Sarah's eyes filled with water. "I-Im not...not good enough...Oh am so sorry master! Im such a useless whore! Im not loved by anything or any one, Im just dumb waist of space!" She sniffed and began to cry softly. "D-Do you want slut to die? I can...In my head I can...But I dont think anything would be left....but Im worse then nothing!" She began to sob all out now, burying her head in the pillows of the bed and sobbing loudly. "No home for Sarah, no master for slut!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"please....don't do that...I don't want anyone to die...maybe I did need a friend..." Gin said broken inside more than ever as he hugged this girl close " you have a name?"

Sailor moon step up and looked Tuxedo mask in the eyes as she said "I always thought that hat made you look gay." and with that she walked back to her demon and kissed him hungerly.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Her demon lover kissed her back as the monster army tore Tuxedo Mask and the others apart. Hunter then looked at his slaves, and fellow demons. "Now where were we?" he smiled, seeing Sailor Moon and her demon were already fucking each other on the ground.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sarah stopped crying but her tears remained fresh. " has not named me yet." She said as she snuggled into him, clearly wanting him close. She hated herself, taking all the fear and dislike she had for Gin and turning it inward on herself. "B-But you dont have to give me a name! Im just a stuped slut after all....thank you master, your the only one kind enough to take in such a usless, ugly creature like me." She sniffed a few tears away and trembled in his arms, on the verge of another small break down.

(A holiday post for you! :D Happy holidays!)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gin was about to raise his voice again but had an idea "I have two orders for you, first is to name yourself, and second is to never say or think badly about yourself ever again."

"I think we said or I so' and were about to kiss!" Rei answered while the girls giggled.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hunter laughed and his demon quickly grabbed their Sailor Scout and kissed passionately, and tore their clothes. "Ready to be fucked like the dirty whores you are, Sailor Sluts?" Hunter asked.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sarah nodded and started to think. She would do anything for Gin, but she still hated herself for it. " a stu...not very smart...c-could you give me a little suggestion?" She looked at him as if she was about to be struck, still very much afraid of him, like one would be in the face of a vengful lord or even god.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Always!" Rei nodded as the others repeated her.

Gin smiled gently down at her as he thought..."Maybe some kind of flower?" he said gently, stroking her hair as he did.
Lady Devimon's Minions