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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
Obsidion walked back to Cervane"I'll take him out."

"What?I won't let you.It's my fight,not yo-."Cervane was saying before getting punched in the gut,that section of the armor breaking from the impact.He fell down,unconcious.

"Now then"Obsidion said as he turned to Shadow"I don't even have to see you to take you down."
Psyrixia murred, "Mmmmm, Oooooo, Oh, Altima! Please...keep rubbing me there! I haven't been touched like that in....Ahhhhh!" The dragoness moaned and hissed with desire. Holding herself in place with her claws, against the edge of the tub, she spread her legs wide revealing her hot, pink, open inner lips.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow thought for a second, then raised his hand, grasping his quarry by the ankle with the Force and yanking him towards him.

"Sorry, but you don't have any bounties on your head and I don't waste time with people I'm not getting paid to take down," he said, picking up his target and walking away.
The air around Shadow started heating up at an alarming rate,as the air above him started cooling at the same rate"I wouldn't suggest that.You will face,how should I put it,dire consequences."Obsidion said as one hand was glowing red,the other blue.
Damian turned to look at Yoosei briefly. "No, not really. I just dislike being interrupted, that's all..." he said, sighing slightly. "As for you, Obsidion. I don't know of what balance you speak, but as far as I know, Cervane attacked with cause or provocation. To me, he deserves to be captured..." he said, his hand going to his belt subconsciously.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow growled as the unknown creature continued to pester him, one hand going for one of his sabers.

"I would suggest you mind your own business, friend," he sneered, his saber activating with a snap-hiss, the emerald blade extending. "I prefer not to kill...but sometimes pests must be exterminated," he growled, angling his saber in front of him.
"This IS my business.I've been watching for a long time.He must remain uncaptured in order to maintain the balance between Jedi and Sith power.Anyways,I wouldn't want my ex-apprentice to be captured so easily,would I?"Obsidion said before turning his attention to Damian"You said it yourself,Cervane did attack with cause.His kind don't take kindly to blaster wounds and will go berserk as a result."
"Ahh!! s-sorry!!" Altima said, as he stopped. "Y-y'know.. I don't think I could keep up with this.. I-I'm sorry, I will leave you for now... here!" he said, as he used the force to brign towards him a pen and paper, as he scribbled somethign down. "This is my room... if you need me... feel free to contact me... as for me, I think I need a nap.." Altima said, as he got up from the bath, and placed on his clothes without drying himself off, dashing out of the door.
Yoosei looked at the uncouncious Cervane. "It will be not a easy task to convince this bounty hunter to not take Cervane with him." she swishes her tails slowly.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Not my problem," was Shadow's only reply, activating his second saber and connecting the two into their staff form.